
Oh wait, the trial already happened? How did it go?

I agree he is guilty. However. In the United States we have something that’s called “Innocent until proven guilty.” So, we need to hear the facts and the evidence and then we make the decision. That’s how we do in a civilised country. Really hope the courts find him guilty, and if so, give him the maximum possible

Are spectators illegal at the Emirates Cup?

No, they killed the horse. Point blank, execution-style. I disagreed with that part. The horse probably didn’t mean to kick his head all the way off.

No NSFW tag?

1) $100mm is nothing on the buy side.

Lots of pretty good girl writers... but yeah not many great artists.

Wow. I hope I go like that too. Except by the time I die horses will obviously be extinct so it will have to be one of those robot sex horses and I’ll have to turn the safety off so it can kick at full strength.

Great name for a band or a movie though. Or a book.

I guess. Tough to figure out what’s going on inside that old noggin.

Yeah that’s a good one too. I love riding horses but shampooing them is honestly way better. No idea how the cowboys got around the low country without washing their horses at least a couple times a month. That had to have been horrible. Different times though. Whateber.

Did you know more people die from horse kicks every year than shark bites? It’s true. Actually I was reading a story about a horse in South America that kicked someone’s head clean off.

She had him young and is only 74.

Not a Trump supporter but I can pretty much guarantee you that KFC tastes good in coach, first class, a private jet, and even the side of the street. Popeye’s is better though. Either way, I’m not sure a lady that old should be eating it. It’s so good like drugs and alcohol - a young man’s game.

$55 Million bucks for a couple weight machines? Doubtful but then again I’m not a gym instructor.

Wow that’s a lot of questions. I’ll try to answer them all.

A paint sketch? I’m sure someone can do better in Photoshop. Maybe some of those exist?

Probably because it’s one of the only gifts you can’t take back, so it’s like Christmas but better. V-Card is one thing you def can’t Indian Give.

Yeah, I do. I want to see Marla. So what? And I’m the one advocating for women’s rights here, not you. You are a man that knows what’s best for them, apparently. Sorry but that’s not how equal rights or equal pay works.

Yeah. It’s the greatest feeling on earth that I know of, and I have done almost every drug. I haven’t done meth though.