
Ok. You are gross. I hope your day gets better. Maybe you need to fly a little farther, Squid, because it sounds like you’re in hell.

You used “tiny” as a proper noun and didn’t even capitalize it. LOL seriously.

Right right. Everything is pointless and contradictory when someone doesn’t agree that shaming women for selling their goods isn’t right. I’m the bad guy. Got it.

Because the dad insinuated he would still love him even if he blew the game. Maybe it’s just me but that is not how you push someone to be the best they can be. Obviously you shouldn’t threaten the kid but you need to motivate him instead of tell him “Hey, you know what? Fuck this one up if you want. Doesn’t matter.”

I’m actually not a pathetic little man. I’m big enough to let your attempt at an insult roll right off my back and fall onto the floor next to my size 11 shoes.

Alright. Alright. I get it. You just want to argue.

I’m not a genius. I’m just a scientist. There’s a big difference.

That’s exactly the kind of encouragement an athlete needs to guarantee a lifetime of failure. Great job, Wonder Dad. SMH

Oh my God. Why are you talking about such dark things? All I said was that I want to see the pictures of Marla, something you agreed with - by the way. Not sure why you’re trying to turn this into an argument. Maybe I will head back to Deadspin because I’m receiving nothing but the cold shoulder here.

Ok, you win. You ask me an “honest question” and then I let my defenses down and you obliterate me with jokes about my age. I’m actually a pretty big athiest but even I will turn the other cheek here. If you need to make fun of me personally to make yourself feel better then go ahead. Words can’t hurt me, but maybe

Def my favorite show rn. Highly recommended [while high... !].

What the hell is going on with the length of your reply? Why would you think a reply of this length is appropriate for a webpage such as this? I can’t read all of this, but then again, I’m sure that was your plan. You win.

I’m not one to tell others what they should think, say, or do. And that’s especially true when it comes to women’s bodies. It’s no secret that Marla was very, very good-looking. It’s also no secret that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So who are we to say that she shouldn’t pose naked? Hey, I won’t lie, I’d

Alright, I’ll give you an honest answer. I didn’t read the article because there were no pictures. I scrolled through the text looking for pictures. I got all the way to the comments here and decided I would just make a comment, which, by the way, I completely stand behind.

Reality is that the Yankees are not a good team. Hope for the future is not reality. Belief is not reality.

Good for her. I support women’s right to sell their bodies for profit. I don’t think that we should shame women for nudity or prostitution. I fully support their right to choose and look forward to seeing naked pictures of her.

No, the Yankees are not about to be good. The Astros are much closer to being good in terms of their young players and callups, and the Astros are horrible. Aaron Judge is massively overrated and good catchers are a bonus, not a centerpiece, of any offense.


I don’t care about Brady or about the NFL, to be clear. I’m just a rational observer trying to unravel emotionally-bent minds. I get that most people need role-models to look up to and think we could do much worse than Brady. Just seems a violation of logic to refute the idea that most QBs in his situation would not

I buy the Swimsuit Issue every year and have been buying it every year for the past two decades. I usually buy ten at a time. Preserve two, then one for each bathroom, and one for the breakfast nook. By the end of the year the family is really looking forward to getting new magazines.