(Ex) Long Time AV Club Reader

The last movie with Damon was titled Ultimatum because that was the title of the third Ludlum novel about Jason Bourne. That otherwise had nothing to do with the movie, for better and worse.

Some day some punk band is going to take the piss out of Apple and Jobs. Probably in a song titled Consumer Electronics Are Not Art.

"Hopes"… Uh yeah, if you say so.

One word: Drive.

Calling Vin Diesel as Batou/Batou-stand-in. Audiences are already used to seeing him without irises.

More like the ARVN Mark Negative 10, am I right?

Yeah, but Pauline what's her name hated Gandhi, so it was all for not.

We already have R.A. Salvatore…

All my teenage interests are getting No. 1 albums: Weird Al, Tom Petty, Marvel Comics. This means AC/DC will have a number one album at some point.

I think the album was called Waking up the Neighbors. 'Cause he keeps the neighbors up with his raucous Rock n roll music, get it?

It's almost as if he thinks affirmative action for imaginary people doesn't exist . Or that he thinks you're going to keep giving them money anyways. Oh well, I guess this is what's left of whatever passes for liberalism these days.

"feminist vengeance—playing Batman’s sexism against him".
Oh christ.

Well yes, all cool people in the 90s knew that we were headed towards Blade Runner land(with Microsoft looking like the potential Tyrell Corp.), so even current affairs wouldn't be all that shocking. Even The Next Generation posits a dystopian period called The Atomic Wars or some such in the first episode. And we

What would be "weird and scary" today to 90s fans of Cypress Hill and Smashing Pumpkins? Would anything from today's pop be all that shocking compared to the 90s, considering South Park & Eminem had already debuted by the end of the decade? You can only go from Elvis Presley to The Sex Pistols once.

What about the Indian remake with Otm Shank?

Just watched a clip on Enlisted, looked like a POS. Let's face it, with the military still America's state religion, it was always gonna be a dead on arrival stinker. Even M*A*S*H would be too much to expect from Fox's hacks; a sitcom produced by the PRC government would be funnier. And since it wasn't set overseas,

So Singer was 'hit' with an allegation? Right, I got it, he's the victim now. I see rape culture has now infected the AV Club. Harrumph!

Uh, not if they stay true to the ending of "City of Bones". Which frankly, is probably gonna have a lot of people saying "WTF"? Calling it now: at some point in the season, Bosch will say "Everybody counts, or no one counts." In a later episode, Bosch and Edgar will shrug off the (contrived) extrajudicial execution of

I haven't watched Letterman in years, but I'm now furious that Leno prevented Dave from performing material he himself holds in contempt on The Tonight Show. Sure, The Tonight Show would have still sucked for over two decades, but at least Dave would be ironic about it!