This guy is pleading for hellcat owners to use some judgement? yikes
What if a Canadian drives one over the border?
I smell a gimmick trying to hide a mark up
My great grandfather was an inventor of sorts. My nana told me a story when i was younger about him having an innovative rubber development and it being bought up by a tire brand and ultimately destroyed. One of those things that deserves to be revisited in my adult life. Time to make a long distance call to Florida!
2/4 of a tank left! Is that Porsche script?
what's a manual? you mean that book that tells me where to plug my iphone in?
Hey buddy, the carhartt won't work if I can still see your tie
I say it won't be as good and that I'll want it more.
They thought he was from Calgary.
Is it easier (cheaper?) to import an r32 directly from Japan rather than one that's already in Canada?
I was an occasional driver.. I believe for the most part (where i live), with your own insurance you are covered as an occasional driver in other's vehicles.. that way they can ding you both.
never bring a..sword to a gun fight?
Test drives are what really troubled me when selling my moms car. I'm nervous letting friends or family drive my car, how am I suppose stomach strangers at the wheel?? (insert joke about eating strangers while commuting)
I'm mildly irritated when I see other people's blind spot monitors.. what happens in the city when you're passed by 12 bikes, I'm thinking it only makes sense for it to mute your music every time.
Is it ignorant (and/or grim) to think these tactics might also be in place to protect intel?
that'd be a better race
This guys is a servant to the internet. I wonder if he was thinking how many views it would get.. then you know, pull ahead