Maybe wait for a sale or get it under plus sub which lower it down by 20% or better.
Maybe wait for a sale or get it under plus sub which lower it down by 20% or better.
To each their own buddy. #justincaseyouwanttoreplyandabi...
Amazon and gamestop come to mind
You gotta try MW3. Id love to read your impression on that.
How about that! No but in all seriousness they are fun to look at.
Look around you. Was there ever any cod goty edition?
The stats tracking is free. The premium is for 9 months worth of DLC which Activision will release monthly (according to the booklet). That and the elite tv and contest for prizes. Its worth it for me since sooner or later im gonna get all the DLCs anyway and i do play the game often in the weekend with my friends…
I sincerely hope they will redesign the vita GUI somehow. Just make this disappear...
Its a joke. #incaseyouwanttoreplybackandali...
Guess who got the ps3 hardened edition for CoD today without any reservation? Yep man im so lucky as the copy my local Target had in stock is literally the last one. Also because i asked first so the copy went to me though theres another Mexican guy who also want the game who stand right behind me.
You can also party up to make all the requirements fill up faster!
its a code name. What part of that do you not understand?
2000 is still not enough. There should be a petition or something.
Yeah and that last boss fight? What a joke! But seriously compared to the last instalment this game is very underwhelming.
Unless you try to get all the achievements :D, but after that, you are truly done with the game.
Yeah sound like something you see on movies
Uncharted, Battlefield and maybe a bit DC Universe Online. Heck yeah!
same here, definitely RPG mode all the way. No point in choosing the other 2 (for me)
Depends, some app is universal with a plus sign that mean you could use it on both iphone and ipad, some have 2 seperate versions. Its pretty straight forward when you browse the app store. An app specifficaly for iphone can be run on ipad but in smaller screen or doubled but blurry.