Team fortress 2? Battlefield 2 is going to be free to play iirc
Team fortress 2? Battlefield 2 is going to be free to play iirc
Wait what no mention of Witcher 2? shame on all of you!
sorry man i clicked on the wrong button and replied to you :(, i was meant to create a new thread :(
Wait what no mention of Witcher 2? shame on all of you!
Tap tap destroyed whatever profit they may get
Wait what? #tooshortehhowaboutthisandsomem...
Hearted! Yeah its not that bad so much so that everyone bashed it.
Dont buy rage now, i did and i sort of regret it. Wait for a price drop or bargain bin.
I just played RAGE for a few hours and that phrase pretty much sum it up.
Good god, but why whedon and buffy? Whats the reference?
Go read the book you! No seriously do it, during or after finish season 1.
awww theres no red tiger =)
check out hotel626, its quite similar
You forgot that one is made by Valve and for valve games only?
Thats sadly the truth. Because they can.
Yeah just did a little search too and only found the 2xx MB fake ones :(
Hmmm nice find! Guess i will go to Sears more often then
Very interesting video and i find every detail fascinating. Not boring at all!
If you want trophy you need to pay though
yeah i enjoyed the heck out of it during my first 30 days trial and then the free month after the hack. No problem has occured ever.