
I think there missing out on big sedans with couches that turn into beds. 

I propose that the opposite is true.

Not all manual cars are great. Some are so bad that you rather go for the automatic.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Anyone who posts an automatic car as a manual in an online ad should be sentenced to death.

There is no greater disappointment than finding the perfect vehicle. Everything is exactly how you want it to be and then the interior shot comes and its a fucking automatic. The

(I’m sorry)

What i found interesting is that among the people i know, i have encountered more women who daily drive sticks than dudes. 

You obviously haven’t worked on a J30 Maxima - there’s nothing difficult about them and they’re fairly easy to work on. Plenty of room to do the timing belt and water pump and that’s an electronic ignition with individual coils per spark plug. The 5-speed in this will have the limited-slip diff and don’t forget this

You’ve never heard of Mitsubishi?

That Chrysler analogy is so dumb.

Agreed that the 90s were peak Japanese innovation and quality. To your point we’ll agree to disagree on the Nissan. Any thoughts on why Japanese quality went incrementally south after 2000? I agree with you there but not sure why it seems to have happened. Did they get fat and complacent like the Americans?

Nope. Nissan in the 80s and 90s were very well made (few Japanese cars weren’t) and lasted forever. I’d take the Nissan bet every day.

Nissan IS the Chrysler of Japanese cars, but it wasn’t back then. And I have no reason to think parts aren’t available for a 1990 Maxima that shared its mechanicals with several other Nissan models from that era.

And don’t worry, the software is completely bug proof and will never cause any malfunctions.

I’ve been clicking “remind me tomorrow” since the Obama Administration.

That is why our 2017 Civic is a manual transmission LX. No automatic braking, no lane assist, no adaptive cruise....and it has a real key!  Kinda rare on a new car these days.

“They will help you with some steering or speed control but you really better be paying attention because they don’t always get it right,” he said.

Get the latest software updates. Ha!

Ugh. It reminds me of my own mortality.

I still see K cars on the road in Michigan no less. 

Mustang II, Chevette, any and all K cars from Chrysler