
But it also goes beyond that. For example, smoking and drinking were/are linked to osteoporosis risks. And they are risk factors, but once you look into the research a bit more you find that it’s not at all whether you will end up with osteoporosis, it’s just that you have higher risk of bone-breaks if you are a

That is terrible. I learned early in my 20s that a solid “no fucking way, dude” or straight up “fuck off” was better than any other kind of response even if it was more than I intended. But it’s the ones who don’t recognize that who are the most terrifying. I’m glad you made it out of that situation ok. We don’t

Sorry, kinda off topic, but I’ve received a variation of this gem a few times: “Say, do you have any Lebanese in you?” “No.” “Well, do you want some?” (and all the male friends laugh). I’ve never thought up a a good response to that, and somehow always fall for it. 

Dude, me too, honestly. But i do have to wonder.

Oh yeah! But i’m indulging my inner conspiracy-theorist here :)

Some of this IS new info (or at least new to me), but it has nothing to do with alcohol or BMI. Rather, the projects referenced here are looking at dementia in advanced age. Kawas’ claim that she saw autopsies that showed Altheimers’ plaques without any reported symptoms was pretty compelling.

Holy moly, and this will likely get me banned, but this sent me down a rabbit-hole and is such a blatant mis-representation of this research. Sorry to rain on your parade everyone, but most of the links to conference talks, lab websites, and publications that I followed were about cognitive abilities in advanced age no

Ok, I’m Boxing Day tipsy, so gonna go an a tangent: Did anyone else notice the 3 photos that she chose to display? Are there messages here, or am I overthinking (probably)?

I think this is a great pic, and even if they had to collage a few shots together (there’s no way all the kids took a good shot all at once) it looks like a pretty good job. Well done image editor!

Christmas is all about faking fun, and it’s never too early for children to know that”

Yup. Like “We should get together soon!”

Apologies, clearly this is where my focus is right now.

Counterpoint: “soon” is the only time that a dissertation will be finished.

Sooooo much I could say. But. Cardi, stop it. I know you have to get the dollars but this is getting ridiculous. Kourtney, I could say the same for you but your kids are giving bigger eye rolls than I ever could so you get a pass. Madonna, where are you even in that pic?

Pretty, but will mess you up given the chance.

First, “sleight of hand”. Second, turkeys (like most fowl), are assholes. Third, children (like most young ‘uns) are also assholes.

Yes, I was trying to be delicate above. But I agree that these even starker racist assumptions underlie even everyday decisions and attitudes in systematic situations. While these people might not be trying to practice overt eugenics, it is there for sure. And the idea of Indigenous people getting ‘freebies’ or being


There is a tragic misconception among many (white, European) Canadians that Indigenous people don’t pay taxes and get bunch of ‘freebies’ from the government like higher education, lower gas prices, land, health care, etc. But what isn’t mentioned are the bureaucratic hoops one must jump through to navigate