Bad stuff IS happening daily. But you’re right, most people ARE good.
Bad stuff IS happening daily. But you’re right, most people ARE good.
Thank you! I’m Canadian, my family is Canadian, and they will not stop talking about every little thing Trump does. I get it, we’re tied to American politics. But holy cow, I am so sick of talking about another country’s political climate at every. single . family . gathering .
In the wonderful words of Blue Rodeo: “if we’re lost, then we are lost together”
Yeah, I know, capitalism and all that, but this is a beautiful picture of momma and baby IMO.
But also, thanks Mortal for sending me to the Beeb, because I also found this article on Sinead O’Connor converting to Islam. I’d appreciate it if you would kindly star this out of the greys.
I know this is beside the point, but jeez BBC, do ya really need to lump Canada in with the US? We are part of the Commonwealth, after all. And there’s only one Canadian news story (about pot, of course) on the page.
At the risk of being banned, I will take issue with your claim that today is “a space in which witches have never been more politically charged”—um, what about when even the accusation of witchcraft was used to silence, ostracize, imprison, and kill women?
Maybe I’m being ungenerous, but this seems like just an opportunity to post a pic of herself sporting unachievable (at least for the vast majority) abs.
Nothing. Like, actually nothing. My wee brain recognized the paradox of nothingness and it terrified me on an existential level. I blame The Neverending Story.
3 things:
I thought Fergie looked great! (minus the hat, but she’s always had shit taste in hats). Eugenie looked wonderful as well—I personally wouldn’t have gone with that neckline, but the train was gorgeous.
WOULD. No doubt. Even with the bracelets.
Huh. I was at a conference a few years ago presenting about addiction narratives, and had a question from the floor regarding Hardy. Apparently, many British people (or at least this specific person who knew several other prominent European members of my audience) call him “lips”, a nickname which I loved. Sorry,…
Haha, right!?
Oh, I totally missed that from your post! My family is doing a similar type of thing this year—definitely spreads out the labour. Anyway, happy thanksgiving from one Canadian to another! (And love your username)
I agree. And even if he is “just some rather reasonably well-off Middle-Class guy from Bristol” the impact his art has had on society and the art world outweighs, in my opinion, his personal circumstances. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I really like the way he has shaken up the establishment. And why can’t…
A cheese board is always my go-to. But, it depends on how strict the vegetarian guests are.
I know this is super late, but I agree with you. This ‘story’ brings to mind, for me, Catherine MacKinnon’s (much maligned, IMO) stance on porn. When she wrote that “women are sex” it was at a time when porn was particularly violent and hard-core. And I have to say, this kind of sexual satisfaction, as much as we…
Ugh. Like, call me whatever feminist slur you like (such as second-wave) but I can’t with people being encouraged to exercise violent fantasies (if fantasies they really are) on even inanimate, and especially lifelike, dolls.
Seriously? 4 days (or even 1 or 2 days) is a big hurdle for an addict. 40 days is a huge accomplishment, and he’s indicated that he is also in out-patient treatment. Stop it. Addiction recovery is not “what most people accomplish at least once a year”. Moralizing consumption according to what so-called ‘normal’ people…