Long Pig Helper

Is it just me or would he make a reasonably attractive woman? With the right styling of course.

A war with China would be a NUCLEAR war. “Better to kill of all mankind now than later”?

What I don’t get is why any of her baby daddies didn’t try to intervene. One of them is EDDIE MURPHY, ffs. I think he could have just made this Belafonte guy disappear in a puff of dust if she’d asked him to, or even if she did not ask him to, to protect his own kid. Such a weird dynamic that happens with domestic

For a very abbreviated version of the list: A small water pump at REI to purify water, or, if all else fails, iodine tablets will kill any nasties in the water. A gigantic bag of Quinoa, which you can eat off of and replace as needed to keep it fresh. Quinoa is the healthiest grain out there and weighs less than

Conscience or conscious? Either way it works.

I was talking more about persuasion. YOU and I know what we know, but how do you explain it to the red-staters? I always start with something personal. Ask them about which of their grandparents/ancestors died of dysentery, diphtheria, and other curable/preventable diseases. Explain to them that the scientific method

This is just the wedge you need to use. If Joe Trucker can see with his own eyes that he is being lied to by a group of people he has trusted, you might just sneakily throw it in there to him that maybe they are lying about other issues as well. That’s how it starts. I always start with the “personal” and work my way

A world full of guns and western-style shootouts is apparently the world we have made for ourselves. The other first-world countries don’t have these problems. Want to know why?

I don’t think it DOES need to be done. You are much more likely to be hit by lightning than involved in an active shooter event. I was incensed that my office put us through all this last year. All it does is add an unnecessary level of stress.

Why do you keep trying to make the whole “celebrity” argument happen? Nobody mentioned celebrities. These Fox ladies were not celebrities. They were shills and were being trotted out as propaganda. It’s all been outlined for you in the comments above. If you are too obtuse to see what’s going on, then there is no hope

Extra star for my new favorite Twitler euphemism: “Cockwomble”.

The elephant in the room: We will NEVER know what happened between Casey A and those women. It was truly a private matter. If he had been convicted of some crime, it would become public record, but, short of that, nobody has any clue whatsoever.

I thought that “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” was referring to them being deported if it was found out that they were undocumented. Maybe preparing them for the life change?

Look, you dolt, Obama enacted the whole DREAM thing in the first place. Righties were all up in arms about “overreach” when he said he wanted to prioritize deportation of criminals over law-abiding people. You can’t have it both ways. You are making yourself look foolish.

You ever read the comments on Breitbart? Those folks are the Trump voters and they really tip their hand over there. Hello...’s post was correct.

They get to wear SWORDS. That’s like, totally metal.

Haha. I was thinking of that hairy half-goat man with the flute, myself.

So he’d rather spend years and years in some embassy because of his ego? Now that makes no sense.

Don’t forget Scott “Chachi” Baio. He was her boyfriend as well. And we all see how well he turned out.

Nah. She brought all this on herself by going for the jugular right out the gate, with all of her “unnamed sources” dragging him thru the mud so she can sit there looking as placid and centered and the Virgin Mary talking about how “we are family”. She doesn’t fool anybody.