That’s cool. No royalties too?
That’s cool. No royalties too?
I for one am loving Herb’s new experiment of ‘how many ads, video feeds that scroll with you and other bullshit can I hide our content behind before our users say how fuck yourself!’?’ It’s fun!
The correct answer is “AppleTV”. Any version will do.
Just from the picture I would bet that his makeup would smear more.
At least he didn’t attempt it Burroughs style.
I guess the bailiff is an ‘Essential worker’? Why?
Weird - did a re-assessment of regulars / greys get completed in the last week? I’ve been demoted.
Some Hollywooders said they would work with him but all it takes is the guy funding the thing to say “not that guy” and if moving forward / not moving forward depends on that guy getting what he wants, we’ll see. I want to believe too but I think it’s worth noting and think we definitely have to watch this space.
Howard Kurtz? Eew.
It’s a wait-for-Redbox programmer, promoted by default into the (only) multiplex event of the summer.
Could be worse - could be filled with fertilizer.
For myself and my kids: So do I, friend.
“he paints his relative inexperience as a key motivation for why he’s running for Congress in North Carolina’s 11th district.”
Disney makes a LOT of money. There are many very, very smart people in leadership at Disney. To this presidency as we see day in and day out: optics matter more than facts. I am convinced that Disney was strong-armed behind the scenes - either threatened or incented - to get in line and open up so Florida and Trump…
Thank you for your service.
I agree all day long - add “Forced Stealth Missions” to my list. Forced Stealth Missions, unskippable “You got captured and lost all your meticulously managed and saved inventory”.
Thank you! Yeah I got over my ‘is that all there is’ when I got the second island -briefly- the different colored baddies seemed difficult, there were falcon alarms, etc... I soon learned enough techniques that isn’t a challenge and I swear after the “training mission” where the falcons were introduced I’ve only seen…
If someone is enjoying Ghosts but hasn’t checked out Nioh2 yet: it’s a vastly better game. For $20 you’ll end up paying about $0.00002c / hour of enjoyment.
If someone is enjoying Ghosts but hasn’t checked out Nioh2 yet: it’s a vastly better game. For $20 you’ll end up…
Help - guys I’m getting alarmed that I can’t really get into Ghosts. To be clear I’m many hours into it and will likely 100% it, but every time I get close to a ‘heck yeah this is great’, the game reminds me that I’m executing the same pattern that I did at the beginning of the game - mash the weapon style then spam…
Perfectly stated.