Itto Ogami

Ew.  Even with consent I did mushrooms with a gf (that later became my wife).  My vote would be psychedelics and dates do not mix - regardless of consent.  My hats off to you for even sticking with the guy after that experience.  

As always, set and setting are the determining factors of a good or bad trip.  If your mindset is off (stress, etc as you mention) do -not- partake. 

Interesting take. I too think the comments are a shitshow but I figured it was gmg fuckery of trying to rip out/circumvent kinja that is causing it, not kinja itself. I thought it likely that if they’re fucking with the above the line folks they must be almost literally shitting on the techies.

Facebook is a blight. It needs to go. 

Advice:  something you ask for when you know the answer but wish you didn’t. 

Isn’t it ‘visa versa’? Is ‘vice versa’ a thing?

LOL. I envision one of those inspirational posters with a sideview of the tidal wave cresting high over him when he says “we cannot get swept away in fear.”  

Bam:  Just thought of the new service we need:  One text box - type in a name.  That brings up a heat map of that person, maybe the heatmaps of other names in their set.  Like type in Ellis and he’s red.  Alan Moore pops up - where’s he at?  Neil Gaman?  We need this.

Xbone launch TV!

Eugh.  Never mention Scoob again.  Trash in so many ways.  

Meh.  Looks like it “borrowed” it’s whole look from Hereditary.

Is “chicken-fried chicken” different than “fried chicken”?

Normally I would be all about a new Law & Order but I get enough Hate Crimes via the news.  Too Trump too soon.  No thank you.

That’s a “hair system”, right?

Nobody is sick because of a virus” juxtaposed with “You’re an ignorant asshole” - Very 2020. Bonus points for the unexpected correct form of “You’re”. I give it a B-.

There has to be a better condiment solution, though.  I have to say the experience of getting one tiny salt packet and one shallow thimble of ketchup, then waiting for the waiter/ress to come back around to check so you can ask for more, then waiting for them to come back with still less than your regular amount needs

Protip:  It’s not about the lack of cheese  ;)

In summary: Fuck Facebook.

Burn, shitbird.  I hope your company loses all business.  You deserve it.

Didn’t bandanas just get studied and proven almost equal to no mask at all in terms of self and other protection?