
So, do you work for Subaru or Toyota?


Nope, not Brush Script. This is Brush Script:

As a child of the 80s, I will always love this car more than many of you can understand.

It’s a little ironic that you misspelled Boxster. :)

That space between the A and the R is was larger then the other spaces.

3rd gens in good nick are better looking than they get credit for.

Oh boy, official pace car edition. Just gotta never drive it and make so much money at Barrett Jackson in 20 years, because it's rare and limited and a special snowflake unlike every other F body ever.

Look at the g502. Current and by far my favorite mouse. Also the super smooth spinny wheel :)

Really Giz? You’re doing the “Simple Trick” clickbait headlines now? Do dispatchers use this trick for stubborn belly fat as well? How about “The Simple Trick that MTA and Obama don’t want you to know about!”

I was a car stereo installer way back when that was a thing. My favorite customer experience was when a guy came in for a deck for his daughter’s spanking new Neon or something.

As a mountain bike trail builder and advocate, I applaud their decision to cancel the event. Recreating on muddy trails does incredible amounts of damage, especially in desert areas.

It was indeed a purpose-built course. Pretty sure it was on private property, though I’m not positive.

Agreed. There an old marketing/service adage that how you deal with customer issues is more important than preventing those issues in the first place (and often cheaper).

Land Rover had a course set up at an off-road convention near Flagstaff, Arizona this weekend to show off their wares...

Pizza drivers are usually high schoolers/college kids, especially before the economy tanked. It’s all well and good to expect adults and cops to do this, but high schoolers/college kids or kids on their first couple jobs may feel powerless to stop it and it’s understandable that they don’t stand up. Don’t get me

No. If he tries to stand up for the new guy—a guy he doesn’t even know—suddenly he’s going to be the one to get shit on. He doesn’t have any power in this scenario; he’s not a manager, he’s a low-rung employee barely above the guy who’s just been hired. Additionally, you don’t know how badly he needs the money that

DAMN IT. I want pizza now and there is none to be had.