
Actually this interior is exactly why you want to buy this car. Most people cant’t see beyond the tacky wood. I suspect the interior is not as pink as it looks (Porsche didn't make a pink interior) as for the wood trim? Disassemble it wrap it in real Carbon/faux carbon/silver/ or any thing else). It’s like buying the

Bullshit. You use the same images and talk about the same scenes. Time to own up.

You were thinking about the same examples and same gifs, including movies that aren’t even out yet? You must have been separated at birth.

Yeah, someone got ripped off...

Are you David Christopher Bell, by chance?

Aren’t the front and rear circuits usually separate for redundancy?

Actually the claim that "Japanese SUV's just got sexier" in reference to a 2009 Forester is even more absurd.

Oh god, you can just tell how much fun EVERYONE making this as had. Its glorious!

Well I just rented a Hyundai, took it as fast as I could across the Bonneville Salt Flats, drifted it, got it stuck twice, got it covered in salt, and then took this photo.

Nah Jesus drove an Accord, but he didn’t talk about it much.

Oppo has a good explainer on the difference (and similarities) between a spoiler and a wing.

OK, the experts are probably at the bar already so here you go:

A spoiler spoils wind (reducing drag), while a wing provides downforce. Most of those are wings, but people tend to use ‘spoiler’ to describe both. No big deal.

Even you don’t know the difference between a wing and a spoiler?

In Portugal too. Oh, the memories...

Just so you know, The Littlest Hobo was HUGE in the UK in the early eighties - a staple of morning TV during school holidays.

Because the creators of the video are the ones who said they served it wrong.