
Every day. Every motherfuckin day, y'all.

50kph is 31mph, so no.

Don't drive a golf cart at full speed into a wall. Got it.

Like others have said that was an indicator of basically 2 barrel or 4 barrel carb.... It affected the heads because they put higher flow heads on the 4 because more fuel.

V = Venturi as in how many venturis there are in the carburetor. That being said... Yes, I agree. Crazy confusing as in how many people use the word "venturi" on a regular basis. And yes, the ports on the 4V heads are beyond "stick my leg in the hole" massive. I have a set on my 'stang.

Flair vs flare

Lets just leave out what is possibly the most popular V4 of all time and include some way more obscure stuff...

E Series? E350?

None is how many employees it passed through before they were sent out. I used to do mail lists for my ex-laboratory employer. We would set up what to call from the database and let the system spool the mailers. Another department was responsible for adding/deleting entries. So I never saw the raw data in it, being an

Honestly? It's probably damn difficult to uniformly flag 13 vins across the myriads and myriads of systems that operate each individual department. You're kind of treating this like old Sal down in the mail room pulled down the recall folder and hand wrote some recalls maliciously. That isn't how it is.

I think this one might have been a IIHS or NHTSA crash test car...... See also, tape on pillar and quarter panel.

Exterior Plaster is made with cement... but cement is not the same thing as concrete.

Pilot made an oopsie.... Sunbather made a nearly life ending decision. Sunbather gets my vote for being dumber.

Well done to Harley Davidson for coming back with a coherent and just response and not allowing someone to pressure and force them into something just because someone did something to void the warranty.

You try to wave a large flag through the air with your arm, at 88+ ft per second, and feel the drag. Then, try to do it with seven of them. The drag force would be considerable.

Because it provides terrific drag on the engine and the transmission, especially when the bike is at highway speeds.

No it doesn't fill the entire screen. It fills like the middle 25% or so of it with huge black bars on the sides. It doesn't hurt anyone, but it is annoying.

i once ordered a beer on a southwest flight from Chicago to LA. The first beer I got wasn't cold. But wasn't warm either. Later the stewardess came around and asked if my beer was warm, I told her it wasn't ice cold so she gave me one on the house. This one was ice cold. Came back again to make sure that one was good,

When you're capturing video, action rarely pans top to bottom more than left to right. Landscape is almost always a better in that sense alone. And when you do want to see the video in HD, fullscreen on a laptop, you want it to fill your screen, not be artificially cramped between black bars on the sides and