
Obligatory :

But the Catera *is* a 10-yo German car :p

They finally got it right in 2001, the Catera's last year. Is it bad that I want a 2001 Catera?

Zeroth gen:

Not that this announcement makes me any less excited than I already was...but wasn't truck yeah already live? I've been commenting on it for weeks.

Check again, Sherlock.

In the movie Jurassic Park there was a scene where they brought dinosaurs back to life.

Sports themed joke. You misspelled +1

Why, certainly. Jolly good; you must be new here.

No love for the X button?!?! For shame...

That BTCC pic is really cool but what does it have to do with Autotrader and other such sites?

In a ditch....ditches love stories.

I used to be a big user of tbh now I use kick ass, I find it a much better overall experience.

I'll agree that the age thing is stupid; but as for the genre-shifts, I dunno, personally I think both styles of Resi game are kinda played out now. IMO they should do something new and unexpected, instead of faffing about trying to figure out who their market is - there will be people liking and disliking it,

Not sure I'd pull into that lane like dash-cam guy did at the end.


Fahrenheit 451 is useful less in knowing what temperature paper burns (because, you know, I don't need a thermometer to operate a match) than in knowing what temperature WON'T burn paper.

I was reheating a pizza once and stuck the box in the oven. My father said, "won't the box burn?" I said, "According to Ray