
The picture of the wilderness has roads and farms in it...does that pass for woods there?

See, I KNEW someone would get it.

They all have pulse rifles. They're riding cyborg pterodactyls with lasers for claws. Absurd party rock is playing in the background the whole time.

Words like "insane" or "ridiculous" don't do the Porsche 918 Spyder justice. Not really. That's why Mike Spinelli describes it as a car for people who want to live in a world "where cyborg elves battle genetically-modified, pure energy assassins with pulse rifles."

Wait, I'm confused. Individual coaches can't be certified, but that website he posted (oh, that's your website? Huh, how about that.) clearly says "coach certification"? And the fact you literally said "online certification is an important step" a couple lines later? You can see where he'd be confused, no?

Oh, so the certificate I paid $25 for is not actual certification, the certification advertised here?

Long as your subscribed they're there.

I love the service.

There is no one like Jean Jennings. Jean knows cars — and how the industry works.

You forgot about the parents of some of the kids who would sue the police force for something.

Look at the picture of the rear, the mud flaps are colour matched..

I don't think that's overspray, I think those might just be... magnificent BURGUNDY mud flaps. Okay, now I'm all hot and bothered.

Toyota brought the beats 5 years ago

Drive-in's, picnics, or any time that the vehicle is stationary, a lot of cars have them in the glove box door.

This is the first time Ford has deployed prototype vehicles to customers so far in advance of a product launch for extensive customer testing.

"is only produced for 1 year"

All of these pre-E3 leaks and whatnot are deliberate right? "Leak" your game, gauge interested and get feedback, then adjust your E3 message accordingly?

In her defense, it doesn't just say "Fuck", but "Love, Fuck Yeah", which is at least a nice sentiment.

why are all the kids wearing nirvana t-shirts? is this 1992?