
Replay the last mission, see if that helps. Otherwise start over. Altruist acolyte is Trevor taking the random people he can pick up to a location other than their intended destination. Seriously, how could you not tell the game had multiple endings? It literally explains it as a multiple choice.

The second Volume of the soundtrack is the original score for the game.

I skimmed the article, totally missed that this was in Toronto until I read your comment.

/the Greater Toronto Area (GTA to you non-Torontonians) is a great joke in and of itself
//especially the mayor ;P

Heh I live in Richmond Hill. Weird seeing that pop up. And I too was at a midnight launch of GTA V. I did not do anything as amazing as that though.

Also I'm trying to be clever and think of a GTA joke since Richmond Hill is part of the GTA I believe but I got nothing.

For the price of this game, you could have bought 3 V6 Vapid Dominators.

World's Fastest Indian

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry it is pretty obscure, so obscure the final scene was used in the opening credit to the Fall Guy.

Or the 6 morons who starred the comment. Jesus Christ people here's a refresher on the rules of common sense in regards to articles and their respective comment sections.

First off teach your kid to not just go running into the road.

What's worse, an ambiguous article or someone commenting on said article with 0 clue of what is contained within?

If you can't be bothered to watch the movie, why are you bothering to comment?

Why would you make a comment if you don't even know what his argument is?

No idea what argument is being made.

I like the decal, it's well done and I find it funny. According to Jeremy Clarkson (pictured), it shows the true usage of a pickup truck.

You must be new here. Mild disagreements don't warrant 6th-grade level apoplectic name-calling reactions here. We respect civility and can take a good-natured ribbing here in the Jalopnik community. I apologize if I touched a nerve with the "optometrist" crack but, frankly, you might want to consider chilling out a

So it has motorcycle tires, and a motorcycle engine? Why not just buy this then?

Has anyone here ever driven a boat? They don’t have brakes, and the best way to avoid an obstacle is often to cut the wheel, and add throttle. The problem could have likely been avoided with more throttle, not less. I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, and I don’t discount the possibility of the cops just being