
Who is going to tell the world that Morgans need to be saved? Who's going to tell me that it's OK to sit in the garage, smoke three-year-old cigarettes and drink warm beer while enjoying the shape of a beautiful car? Who's going to tell me to remember to clean out the washing machine after "shop rag night" before

should have been an SD card slot.

Very cool. He should make the faux floppy drive an SD card slot.

You should take a look at this article of this same video; it's a VERY fascinating read. If you're one of those who've always taken for granted those awesome dynamic shots of aircraft in-flight, prepare to have your mind blown.

Dat Badge

This one's for Aaron:

It's actually not legal even if you don't sell it. It's only legal to produce something with an intellectual property if you have permission. Some IP owners are more lenient about this kind of thing than others, but the legality of it is pretty straightforward. We have a conversation about this on Kotaku at least 3

Coercion? Sorry brother I haven't a clue where coercion comes in. Yeah, 75 mph speed limit, 80 mph cruise control. It's a lightly travelled (relatively speaking) secondary highway so I have no problem cruising along at 80. Texas DPS won't give you a second look at 5 over. If I come up to traffic moving slower

I immediately thought Bimmer too, but they're not really in the "surprising makeover" business. Unless they're talking about a marketing makeover, because they're pretty transparent when it comes to new/updated models. They don't need to sneak around to generate interest in upcoming products. They also wouldn't put

No longer with us (unfortunately), but...

"The next youngest car company to Tesla is 90 years old." Who the hell does their research?? I can name several car companies younger than 90 years: Kia, Hyundai, Pagani, Lotus...(Lexus/Acura/Infiniti, but I'm sure some would try to argue these are not car "companies")

Fun fact: no it's not.

Your voice, provided that is in fact your voice and not a robot imposter, is transfixing and quite perfect for talking about this crazy, wonderful, and amusing looking game. I know, I'm focusing on weird things.

The event was also great because it included lots of opportunities to interact with Nissan engineers, like the man in charge of motorsports, Jerry Hardcastle.

"2.) Honda NSX by Auto Express"

The artist clearly haven't seen a Honda NSX before. Let me help.

It's missing a third pedal and a stick shift, so this is obviously a CP by Jalopnik Nice Price Or Crack Pipe standards.


How bout a Grand Prix Dick in a Box?

Is Warlow's Lifetime movie moment really that surprising? Let's see: