
I don't care how hyped people are for this game. its just a glorified dlc pack. All the dance animations are just recycled from 3. The models look bland and just awful. Kits like they have no focus anymore and just cram whatever randomness they can find. Prototype and crackdown had all these mechanics but they has

Add one more motorcyclist here agreeing that this jackoff was 100% at fault. Squids like this give us a bad rep.

Are you an idiot?

Amen, in no way are the truck drivers at fault, they are slowed because of the traffic in front of them. In fact all traffic was slowing down, hell the car behind the trailers had its flashers on to alert drivers to the slow down. This is 100% the fault of the rider, there is no way to claim otherwise.

that's a 2 lane each way dual carriageway. the a127 just outside brentwood in essex

It isn't like moving the truck out of the left lane was going to open up the flow of traffic. For all we know the truck was making a pass when they came upon the traffic tie up. It also doesn't change the fact that the biker was 100% at fault.

it's the riders fault because the dumbass wedged himself between to stopped semis after saying "shit" multiple times instead of braking with all the bike's ability

I commute daily on my motorcycle, as well. Lack of attention, not looking far enough ahead, and poor reaction time - 100% rider's fault.

Ralph, this was the bikers problem. He was only watching where he was, not where he was going. If he were looking several lenths ahead, he would have had plenty of time to stop. That's rule # 2 in biking that he broke. Rule#1? Keep the shiny side up.

I guess I don't understand the limitations of motorcycles or maybe speed isn't as apparent from a helmet cam. If you slammed on your brakes in a 1980s Corolla right when he exclaimed "SHIT!" the first time I think you could have stopped prior to running into the back of a big rig. I didn't hear any tire squealing

You can actually see the two trucks right from the beginning of the video and so could the biker. He displays nothing but stupidness a very poor sense of distance and speed of other vehicles.

No right or wrong in this video? There is indeed. It's all on the rider, initially for his differential speed, swerving around traffic, and then increasing his speed without checking visible obstructions. At best, he's a lucky idiot this time.

100% rider error. He was to busy going fast to look down the road and reduce his speed in time. I will give him kudos for keeping the bike straight on the brakes, until the last little wobble put his bar into the truck and sent him down.

rider takes ALL the blame for this one.

Once again, there's no right and wrong in this video, only a lot of wrongs together.

The trucks were doing nothing wrong. It's the imbecile on two wheels, like many, who thought he could zip around above the speed limit, that was on the wrong. He got what he deserved: his bike broke and his ego bruised. I hope he learns his lesson and rides properly next time.

Ignorant is as ignorant does.

Squid doesn't know how to brake at speed.

You need to read. I never said that the labor was not included but you made it sound like the 25k was for just a run of the mill turbo kit that costs like 5k. And that he was paying a shit ton for top of the line craftsmanship by the shop. When in reality he bought a fucking expensive turbo kit and was charged

Got a picture of custom aluminum welds for apples-to-apples comparison?