
Says on the invoice it was a $25,000 turbo kit. Those welds are shitty for a $25,000 kit. They'd better be goddamn perfect for that money.

Honestly... aluminum isn't much trickier to do. I think a lot of people early on were nervous because it was a new "style" of welding (TIG), but it's very easy if you understand what's occurring.

White haze around the fillet weld is evidence of AC frequency uplifting the Aluminum Oxide / sapphire coating on the surface of the al. The black haze (possibly a bad reflection) is possibly evidence of a contaminated electrode, and I personally would have wiped that with a red scotch-brite to clean it off. There is

I'd put these welds to the same test I put Tacos.... If the Taco is better then the one I make at home, the restaurant is worth going to again... if not, I might as well eat at home.
That said, I don't think there is anything wrong with these welds. They look like they'd serve their purpose. I may even have welds like


I showed this pic to a friend that's a welder... he wondered what the problem was. They look decent. If this guy is going for welds that look like a knocked over stack of dimes... tell him to find a robot to weld his custom shit. Aluminum is hard as fuck to weld.

The welds are not up to any standard I've ever seen in my time as a professional fabricator / welder. Some portions of the welds look a little on the cold side, sloppy widths, uneeded start stops with the torch, and uneven "whips" (what makes the layered scaled look of the welds). I'd also like to point out there

I gotta agree. Sure they're not absolutely perfect welds, but I will still consider that good looking.

i was also wondering about this. those welds look fine.


Oh hell yes. They were my favorite!

If you're faced with a really slow connection and/or filtering, it can be easier to collect a set of torrents for later viewing than to try and access a tube site when the moment strikes.

I'm glad our friend is back! :)

*vrroom vroom* *thudd*

Well then, allow me to get that bus started.

"Air Force One" is a callsign, not an individual aircraft or type. Any Air Force aircraft the president flies on assumes that familiar callsign. Likewise, any Marine Corps aircraft the President flies on assumes the callsign "Marine One," and so on.

Any plane that flies the POTUS is Air Force One for that flight. This isn't "the" AF1 reserved for the President. It's a plane that was used for high government officials and on which the POTUS occasionally flew when not flying on his dedicated plane. It was AF1 during the very limited time the POTUS was on it.

Air Force One is whatever plane the President is on. Thus, if President Obama isn't on this plane when you buy it, you wouldn't be buying Air Force One.

I forgot if there was a censor feature on Kinja :p

Wasn't this from the episode where he took the kids to see grandma, and she asked them if they'd like to eat some nigger toes?