
Ahh, now I think I understand why it hasn’t been very loved. The C4 came out when I was 8 ,the C5 after I graduated high school. I forget that for many internet commenters, it was already the old model when they grew up.

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News reports and social media are calling him lucky, but I disagree — a lucky man would have been nowhere near a careening, out-of-control SUV. Lucky men get mistakenly handed free chili dogs or accidentally step onto the Pleasure Train instead of the subway.

I just saw this sponsored tweet in my timeline, and had to come back and find your comment.

I thought it was a tablet at first, until I expanded the image:

If I’m honest, half the reason I clicked the star was because your username still makes me chuckle.

Thanks! I think that the average lower and middle class B.C. teenager would be more likely to go camping in tents than “visit a friend’s cabin”.

machinegrl came though with just that, thanks!

While we’re on that subject, I’m from B.C.. I often wonder if there’s any difference between what Ontarians call a cottage and what British Columbians call a cabin.

Too bad you’re not on PS3, PS4, or PC. I’m not on 360. Otherwise, we should get together sometime.

By “I totally recognize that pic”, I assume you mean the linked potato one, since the one I posted was just taken today?

Blah, blah, blah, Middle East.... blah, blah, ISIS....., blah blah, politics.....

FYI, it took me hours to realize that must be your Youga, judging by the licence plate. If you GIS “GTA Dajiban”, “GTA V Youga”, or even just “Dajiban”, one of the first hits you’ll get is of a potato shot of my Youga (with LONESTGR plate) from the early days of the game, before Snapmatic was even operational, let

Someone using their phone while driving is a scumbag.

Ahh, I stand corrected. I misunderstood that you were relating torque to time.

How is that a false statement? Torque doesn’t have a time component, and your explanation doesn’t give any relation to time. Does torque relate to force? Yes. Distance? Yes. Time? No.

In this discussion, what the fuck does gender have to do with anything?

Oh, I agree. And I’d love to see it, too. I live in Kamloops, directly under the long approach to the airport, so I’m no stranger to seeing firefighting aircraft (I think a Dash 8 just went overhead when I read your reply). I saw an Erickson Air Crane a few weeks ago, but I’ve never seen a Mars.