
I think that the Fire Boss is a lot more badass than people give it credit for. For one, it looks like it’s just another small aircraft, yet it’s powered by a PT-6 turbine more commonly used in much larger aircraft. That’s like a Miata with a Chevy LS V8.

Lordco don’t seem to have any stores outside of B.C., and I really missed them when I lived in Calgary. These dudes went there, too, in Oliver (Oliver!):

Exactly. That’s why in the lede photo, there’s a San Bernadino Police* motorcycle in the background.

Old news is old.


How have I never seen this before?

I would’ve expected it in a Ford Escape.

Not exactly. Canada has its own laws regarding motor vehicles, though they do in large part mirror those in the U.S.

TIL: The PAssat G60 Syncro wasn’t sold in the U.S., and only 250 were sold here in Canada. I worked at a VW dealer in the early ‘90s, and I remember getting a few of these in from time to time. One was even a wagon.

Regardless, those are indeed aftermarket lights.

It’s accurate to the game:


Now playing

The sad part is that the particular model you posted does indeed have functional Ram Air, but is fed by the nostrils between the headlights. The hood snorkus is non-functional.


It’s always drivers of Civic sedans that have the most trouble parallel parking.

I know that IMCDB lists that S-15 as a 1982 model, but if the pilot aired in 1989, it’s more likely an ‘88 or ‘89 model. They’re identical to the ‘82.

Nice fake B.C. plate, there.

Just a show of solidarity.