
As someone more or less going through the same thing with his own father (minus the seizures), it's one of those 'if I don't laugh, I'll cry' kind of things.

I've heard it. Listening to it, you totally understand why it was thrown out, but it's still pretty good.

A spaceship constructed out of wood, that they were also burning as fuel.

That first sketch (with David Spade and Christina Applegate trying so hard not to crack up at Farley's antics, but, honestly, can you blame them?) is gold. Everything after was basically a pale remake, so I'd say bullet dodged.

Maybe, your teacher was thinking, 'A tomato is not a fruit. What a putz. F.'

Weirdest thing: Bryan Cranston appeared in the original incarnations of two of this week's releases. Seriously, shit blew my mind when I saw him in a clip from "CHiPs".

That whole episode is golden. To pick one great moment: the out-of-nowhere werewolf and Principal Lewis' reaction ("Oh, shit!").

Obligatory "When Mon-El's not on screen, the other characters should be asking, 'Where's Mon-El?'."

Cherry Coke is more my poison for this kind of thing, so…not really.

Buttered popcorn + Reese's pieces = heaven.

Likely not the first person to realize this, but fucking A, he'd have crushed it as Dr. Doom…at least, if the studio had been interested in making a traditional FF movie, which, of course (even with this perfect bit of casting falling into their laps) they weren't. Fucking cretins.

And Adam Pally doesn't?

Come on. Fred Ebb was a great lyricist.

I was saying, 'How useful is the spork'. You know, that spoon-fork thing you get from Kentucky Fried Chicken?

From everything I've ever read about the film (today's article included), John Scott's music is far, far better than the film deserves. Just plain terrific.

Going through the CC run, there were a shit-ton of meh episodes, but, along with 'The Late Philip J. Fry', I will genuinely go to bat for:

I watched "2 Broke Girls" quite a bit before getting bored with it. The cast is good, but they need better material.

Let me tell you right now: when it first started, I despised this show, for the expected reasons (it's not "Teen Titans", it's freaking stupid). I forgot about it, then a few months ago, I caught a few episodes. Not a great show, but sometimes, you're not looking for deep meaning in a cartoon. Sometimes, you just

Never caught "Stranger Things", but I thought she was adorable as Ethel.

According to the listings, Beverly starts a swear jar after she hears Adam using a bad word.