
@LandersDip: obviously we managed to colonize north america for money, whats the difference of space? This is just medieval expansion part 2.

@SeraphX2: and any powdered flavored drink that you have to add sugar and water to is Koolaid, any small adhesive bandage you put on your cuts is a band-aid, all plastic flying disks are Frisbees. I love that topic.

I think its fascinating to see what people had to come up with to explain their world, when they didn't have the tools to figure it out quite yet.

@c_to: I was thinking the same thing. omg, the Island is bob barkers creation.

@scorponic: You also have a camera in your monitor. I am watching you type through it. Each pixel on your screen is a camera that has 1 million giga-pixel resolution. I know this because I am from a planet in the orion nebula.

@StandardResponse: How do you tell the difference between a geo-neutrino and a solar neutrino?

@zephyrkey: I have a problem learning any new languages. I get the basics hello good bye, thank you, bathroom and beer, and the rest just fall out of my head.

@shan164: South Korea is a blast. Just turn in a direction and walk away from the tourist areas. Best food is once no one can speak english.

@houser: But how did his atmosphere filter the light out? What color did they actually get as sunlight on the ground? Quick we need a fanfic turned canon stat.

@sephycloneno15: My guess is sexual attraction. though more testorerone = more hair.. Maybe because the ones with less hormones were more likely to stay home and protect, they made more babies, therefore less hair over time.

This is step number one to becoming the zerg.

@nannerpuss: they still have to drill I bet to remove the rotted parts of the tooth and clean it out real good.

@crashedpc /sarcasm: mmmm I love those things. I like to soak them in soy sauce untill desert.

oh no... its bad? I wanted to see it! I have an unusually persistent suspense of disbelief mechanism. Will it make it through this movie, or will I have to walk out like I did with the space movie with Scottish actors. I'm very scared, because I probably will watch this despite the probability of the movie laughing

@PistachioWildebeest: had to promote this, that is a great view of the scene. I actually read it in my teens so it wasn't all that awkward to me.