
@Igor Neumann: well the way he said it, it sounds like costner's got an intelligent head on his shoulders. He saw the valdez spill and thought somewhere along the lines of there should be a way to help this.

@FritzLaurel: What happened was during the testing the peanut butter consistency water oil coagulant mix clogged the machine. They have since made adjustments and it works fine.

I keep coming in here to discuss the episode, forgetting that hulu is 1 episode back.. Nearly spoil myself every time.

@cljohnston108: Well I do know that on occasion, if time travel is possible, I am at major events avoiding myself. I definately went back in time to see The dark night in IMAX instead of the little theater I went to the first time I saw it. Of course I didn't see me, but if I had it would have let the cat out of the

@Bogus83: I would imagine you would want to store money away and that way when you came out, a portion of the funds would go to the company and you would get the rest for reeducation and survival until you were ready to join to rest of the population. Gah the potential.. Sorry I'm a hopeless romantic for the future..

But but but, the spinning is not what causes our gravity and unless the stopping is caused by the Core leaking out into space this might be ok but the core leaking out is just rediculous.

If i remember, they figured out that lack of oxygen causes the body to release hydrogen sulfide, which in even small amounts causes the bodies metabolism to drop considerably. plus the cold and you have yourself a preserved person seems indefinitely.. now if only they can get the tech perfected I will so be signing up

This is ridiculous. If you have your network open, your expectation of privacy is zero. Thats like putting an open house sign out front and expecting no body to walk in uninvited. I'm sure the shadow government and apple are behind this.

I think they should speed it up. These horrible people in jail who killed people. They deserve to get to feel what they put their victims through. I just wish our investigative system was a bit more reliable.

I imagine the battles will be pretty awesome.. though everything is 1 step from god in my imagination.

Its not working.. though I work for a monster that doesn't even give their IT team admin rights.

@GirlLibrarian: Thats called subliminal messaging, just go with it, your ears will bleed otherwise.

@orionx3000: Ill get my wife to throw one together tonight via PS and see what we get.. Check back later..

I saw this on geekologie first thing this morning... It hurts my head so bad. I can understand what the artist was getting at, but Avatar is not the Starwars of todays youth. IMO for what its worth.

@xSix: I believe a cantenna is in order for you.

Excellent makeup, or is it a copy past sort of pic. all I know is that's all kinds of awesome..