Or if you live in Florida... a sauna because none of the other ideas are possible in the summer.
Or if you live in Florida... a sauna because none of the other ideas are possible in the summer.
Don’t Get Too Excited About That Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough
I would add here that these kinds of kitchen fads might be somewhat embarrassing after the fad has passed and annoying to store for neurotypical people, but a lot of these kitchen items are a godsend for us neurodivergents.
I can only hope the corporations that bought up houses cheap and then grossly inflated the prices are the ones hurt the most, I hope they are ruined. Forever.
#TaxTheRich and properly tax Big Corp...
Yeah, it was definitely Obama’s fault and not the proliferation of handheld devices with high quality digital cameras. Your archaic industry is dying. Maybe you should go work at a newspaper or something.
Good lord. Here’s hoping you never, in your life, find yourself alone with another human being; you need some serious help given that you think you can reduce all of human experience to figures and statistics—and particularly in that you think you’ve got an entire sex sorted out as a bunch of mercenary cock-hunters…
Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
This is surely the solution to over-obsessing! :)
I can tell you’ve never spoken to someone with a true eating disorder, because I can assure you, it’s absolutely not worth the psychological hell that it is. You constantly feel like crap,are in constant fear of judgment, are always worried about food and how to hide the behavior and you hate yourself. As it worsens,…
Reason #4,085,756,768 why I do not subscribe and have never subscribed to Facebook.
FWIW many services will respond to STOP even if they don’t advertise that “feature.” This is because they either implemented it themselves, or the underlying service they’re using to handle SMS implements it on its own. For example, Twilio handles STOP messages on its own, blacklisting that phone number, and its on…
It would be cooler if it’s smart function told you how much it weighed so you wouldn’t get a fine
You know what annoys me? YouTube trying to make me watch a 3 1/2 minute ad before a 2 1/2 minute video. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something tells me they won’t be doing anything to discourage that.
I hate when sites do that. I just back out, there are a million other sites with the same info. You wanna be greedy shits then you don’t get my click.
Just because you don’t see it, or isn’t always there, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And the fact that not everything has a power dynamic is not evidence that this doesn’t. Not everything is all or nothing.
Rum, I say, rum. : )
He doesn’t care and he certainly doesn’t need your sympathy.
Why? No one needs to change their name. My husband certainly didn’t care. I am a professional and my name is associated with my business. Changing it would have been bad for business. If you want to change it, great. If not, don’t. Why should anyone care?
Hasn’t this been happening for a while?