
Dude, the pitch is 120 yards, the play is nonstop, the temp is 88, 90% humidity, they can't continue to play, no one will score.

I forget the exact number or whatever, but even if Melo took a pay cut to $1.00 the Knicks are still hitting the luxury tax and they don't even have a head coach.

downstairs Dad, come downstairs...

Mainly child porn.

JJ is 32 and is supposed to play like that, Fabian is coming out of no where and btw he's playing Landon's USNMT position...(isn't he?)


Watery Fouls.

Yes, I totally shit on CJ Butlers post today about Fabian and the kid was brilliant today. Probably our best player in today's game.

wow, the comments are piling up, you better apologize or you're gonna be like the most made fun of stupid fucking prat on the entire focking internets.

goosen just made you look stupid NoLeavingLP, watcha gonna do now you Limey prick?

I will do better going forward.


Still too soon.

True. I'm just saying he's Irish, but point taken re: Liverpool.

Edit: I'm bored out of my mind on this Bolt Bus.

I'm confused why he would pass up a chance to play in the World Cup then, the Welsh will never qualify in his remaining playing years... Might as well serve the Queen? Rooney is Irish for Pete's sake and he is the face of British football.

Wondering where Garreth Bale lands on this type of analytic?

[Carmelo reads FIFA player rules]

This world saddens me.

Ahem... "The bulk of this coaching money—especially at the big football schools—is paid out of the revenue that the teams generate."