Mrs Roper's Caftan

I love dystopian and time travel so Kindred sounds great. Thank you :)

Oh yeah I bet a lot of fanboy whiny heads exploded, and that is just awesome.

Damn these all sound great. Thanks for reply!

Yes I shall start there. Sounds freaking amazing.

What a fucking bitch. I’m normally a hippie pacifist but I want the chance to drop-kick this vile woman.

I want to read this but I don’t know if I can with my already high blood pressure.

Agreed. He would love it. Also women who’ve had an abortion. He would see this novel as a how-to guide.

And here we have the face Drumpf makes pausing for a photo op whilst making a deal to buy your soul. Not creepy at all.


Ahahahaaaaaa perfect :D

I too would like to see this fine booty.

Lettuce is just so pedestrian *eye roll 4 ever*

Please do it and report back lol

Truly something to be thankful for this holiday season.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Holidays are just not the same without our grandparents. ❤

YAAASSSS this is so exciting!

It’s just 3 of us tomorrow, me, husband and the dog. Which is totally fine. We’re having “Thanksgiving in a sandwich” and a bunch of sides/snacks. Keeping it real easy and stress free. It’s his first TG without his mom so we’re gonna visit her gravesite and just have a chill day.

It’s up to $911,789.60!!

It’s completely sickening.

“At 12, I wasn’t interested.”