
Oh, damn, I didn’t even realize it was on three acres. Bump that up to at least 1.25m, even if it’s condemned. (Oh bay area, why are you so expensive)

Me too! That place’d be what, about 8x that list price over here? Maybe 10x?

Dark Souls 1! We’re using HotPocket’s mod that randomizes item placement and 100% drops. We’re basically playing scavenger hunt for the Covenant of Artorias right now. We’re also dropping all items between each boss fight except a weapon (and then we have to drop it and replace it with the new first weapon we get), so

Dark Souls 1, actually. We downloaded hotpocket’s item randomizer mod, which randomizes the placement of items and 100% drops. We’re basically playing scavenger hunt for the Covenant of Artiorias right now. We’re also dumping all of our items after each boss, so we have to actually run around and find new stuff. It’s

Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. I think it has something to do with being close to Pesach (which is always on the 15th of Nisan - Judaism uses a lunar calendar, which bounces around the Gregorian calendar most of us use today), but I’m not 100%.

Yeah, I was going to say - robotics has been using structured light for years to create point-clouds of areas. Hell, the kinect v1 used structured light (IR, of course). It isn’t new, but it is a novel application for it.

This isn’t new, I managed to go for two years without having to pay for a flight to/from undergrad - Dullas was always overbooked, so I just made sure I grabbed a flight that had one going the same place an hour or two later, and let them bump me off the first one.

Dark Souls 3: Ringed City DLC! Currently having problems with the Spear boss, and then it’s time to murder Flappy. I was really unimpressed with that humanity puzzle, didn’t really find the solution made much sense.

Finishing up Horizon: Zero Dawn! I need one more rat skin, and then I’ve done everything short of lighting all the campfires and actually finishing the game (I’m right before that last battle quest). Getting all those datapoints would have taken forever without the map that /r/horizon developed.

Yeah, it’s unfortunate it has to be all four of them though (it was really hard to get to their back feet from where I was - and I was not going to move closer to them).

I stood on the other side of that river nearby and just plinked arrows into them until they died. There was a friendly Nora dude who kept running in and drawing their aggro and eventually got murdered... he died for the noble cause of my 100% completion.

Fighting with the SO over control of the projector screen - I’m about 2/3 of the way through Horizon: Zero Dawn and loving it (SO is hooked on Breath of the Wild, which while great, does not contain hunting down robot dinosaurs). I really hope they do DLC for H:ZD, it’s probably my favorite game since Dark Souls and Wi

I’ve got a Botvac Connected and I love it! Cat and the SO have super long hair, and it just sucks it right up. Being able to run it in manual mode is great too, so I just remote it over to wherever we spilled some cereal or whatever and shoop it’s gone.

I’ve got a Botvac Connected and I love it! Cat and the SO have super long hair, and it just sucks it right up. Being

SO and I are having to negotiate on how much each time each gets on the projector this weekend- I’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn non-stop since I got it, and Breath of the Wild should theoretically be in the mailbox now, and he wants to play that.

I’ve been having real problems getting to Sen Feinstein’s office - her SF voicemail box has been full for the past few days, I get a busy signal every single time I call the DC office, and I’ve heard the LA voicemail is full too. Harris’ office has been amazing, though.

Modesto is the closest R controlled county (CA-10) - Denham only won by 3.4%. It’s an hour and a half from city center.

I thought he said something like “a million, a million and a half”, but I’m not 100% sure.

I’ll be at the Oakland, CA one in two hrs!

Why? 2017's going to be worse than 2016, the only better thing is that we know about it going in and can try to prepare.

I’m part of a fostering shelter (we grab and foster the kittens until they’re adoptable, and just TNR the 3mo+ ones), and fried chicken (of any sort, KFC, Popeyes, Jolibee, grocery-store kind, whatever) is absolutely the best lure we’ve ever found. It’s amazing how much better it works than any normal cat food.