
Same here! I could feel my face going D:

I enjoyed the movie very much, but I wish they hadn’t gone with the bright flashy lights as part of the villain schtick -there were 3 scenes in particular where I had to shield myself in order to not get a migraine. Super great movie other than that, though.

I think they mean “According to a survey of BIA employees, over 40 percent reported [to the survey] being sexually or racially harassed in the past year; most of those surveyed did not report their harassment [to the authorities/HR/police/etc]”. So, 40% of those surveyed said they’d been harassed, but most of those

Mid 2000s, South Carolina, my health class (that was only like three weeks long? something like that) stated that not only were all condoms full of holes that HIV could get through, the holes were also big enough to let sperm through and thus never worked at all. Fun times.

Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC! (yeah, I know, I’m a bit late on it)

So, if the married folks and the anti-married folks collide, do they explode like matter and anti-matter? (which, doing the math, would result in an explosion equivalent to about 7.5 giga-tons of TNT)

I know I’m not Kristin, but I am in the middle of buying a house - my lender’s best rate credit bracket is 780+, but some of the other lenders we’ve talked to are 760+ for their top rate bracket. So, depending on your lender, you might get a slight edge over the 760 dude, but you might not. Congrats on the 849, though!

Yay adoption! They’re adorable!

Not quite, but I did grow up in SC, which has a number of similarities. Got out of there the moment I finished high school.

Nah, we (SC, early 2000s) only had a single week-long STDs will kill you/boys will have sex with you, but will only marry virgins/sex will kill you (unless it’s your husband)/gay people are awful and will all die of AIDS/here sign this abstinence pledge extravaganza. I think it was freshman year.

I live in CA (Bay area), and I wouldn’t actually call it that popular here. Don’t get me wrong, most of us can’t stand Trump and we’d much prefer if the Midwest/South stopped being so stupid, but we recognize that secession would not be the best option - not only would it be a giant mess economywise, as the companies

Pretty sure they also have a NYC theater - it’s in Brooklyn, if I recall correctly. (I think they also have one in SF)

Because fox’s ledes so far this afternoon have been Wiener and dam leaks. (I wish I was kidding)

Eh, cleanable obstacle vs actual obstacle in the global space isn’t that bad - it’ll take the car at least a few frames to be confident that there’s an object (I’m sure they’re using a particle confidence model), and it’s pretty easy to recognize algorithmically when something’s staying put in local space (i.e. riding

Long story short, the only way he can be removed is if the Senate impeaches him. Senate’s controlled by republicans who don’t want to impeach him (as he’s signing everything they put in front of him). So, no impeachment.

Fire Emblem: Awakening! Figured I’d hop into the series after seeing the Echoes review, and SO suggested Awakening. Just got to that mission where you have to save the Exarch from getting executed. Sumia and Sully are murdering machines and I love them. Kiiinda wish I could swap Nowi’s clothes though.

Sometimes it’s also broken into specific glitches as well - Dark Souls has a specific category for the Kiln-skip run (which lets you skip about half the game), which is not allowed in the general “glitch” run. There also tends to be an “any% current”, which is any% for the most current patch (and then the leaderboard

I believe France also has laws against Nazi symbolism (or at least they did a few years ago).