
Finishing off The Last Guardian, and probably some Pokemon Sun on the plane. Might get some more DOTA 2 in as well, though it’s been having texture problems since the last update (last game Chaos Knight was floating around without at horse, and Zeus was completely bald).

The Last Guardian and some Pokemon Sun. SO’s probably going to do some FFXV if he can steal the ps4 from me. Last Guardian’s pretty fun so far, though I wish platforming on/off Trico was a little better.

Mostly the new SWTOR expansion, and some Pokemon Sun. Might dip into the new No Man’s Sky stuff as well, but probably not. Might also watch my SO play the new FFXV.

I’ve got a full working copy of that (and while awful, I don’t honestly think it’s as awful as it’s made out to be). Got it + a bunch of other atari games + a 2600 in an xmas swap a few years ago.

Do it! We need more science folks in politics! It’s certainly not un-doable, my own state assemblyman is actually an astrophysicist! (Bill Quirk)

Don’t give up, skeleton!

Oh, I don’t disagree with you at all. I find 4 more years of gridlock is infinitely preferable to Trump and his cronies. As a bisexual jewish woman who thinks immigrants and muslims are actually, in fact, people, with all the constitutional and human rights derived from that, the trump admin scares the fuck out of

Legally, if the EC gives her more than 270 votes, she’s the prez-elect and gets voted in in Jan.

Pokemon, with a side of SWtoR (finishing up the Dark v Light stuff), and hopefully a session of Deathwatch tabletop.

Tue: Trump elected
Wed: My grandmother died
Thu: I got a nasty head-cold
Friday: Still have the head-cold, and one of my kitty’s eyes is worryingly foggy (vet can’t see him till next wed).
So, yeah, so far this week’s been shit.

There are 3d printers that do sugar (http://www.3dsystems.com/culinary), but none that I can think of that do marshmallow exactly. However, most of them are stupid expensive (unless it’s a DIY kit).

Eh, I’d say they debuted in Pittsburgh because 1) they were able to steal a bunch of CMU robotics profs and grad students, 2) Pittsburgh is a growing robotics mecca and has great tax breaks, and 3) and it’s cheaper to be in than the other big robotics places (SF and Boston, mainly). Hills and bridges are a plus.