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    Suddenly my rants seem so ...puny.

    There is so much wrong with your statement it’s hard to comprehend. Probably explains why you have a hard time with cops. Most police are not assholes. They take their job seriously. The few that are jerks are those who are jerks on a consistent basis. One isolated incident does not reflect on the officers otherwise

    Especially where the driver is going down a road with almost no traffic, in clear weather on a dry road surface and can barrel roll a car without hitting anything.

    That would be appropriate. Karma, what a bitch.

    The same could be said of media in general. I’m not so sure that there was less crime in the past. It’s appears there is more today because it is being reported and documented more.

    First sentence should read “While I am not a fan...wrong with the officers statement and it failing to match the video.”

    When I am not a fan of motorcycle groups (just my personal opinion) there is so much wrong with the video and it failing to match the officers statement.

    Never had to think about it before? The part about think is plausible so it follows that not thinking about this topic is realistic.

    I would be more concerned with the 2 on the right. (Nope. Nope. Not gonna do it. Nope. You can't make me.)

    Meanwhile at Gizmodo...

    “No drugs or alcohol were found to be a factor,...”

    After launch does the left front even touch the ground? In any of the runs? Screw the HP, that's torque.

    Nice ride but someone has been hitting the crack pipe pretty hard. And often.

    One word: YeeeHaaa!

    Cool idea for a strictly off road Jeep. Here in Texas that would get you a ticket for failure to display registration/inspection sticker since they are to be displayed on the windshield.

    Any response to a post that's 3 years old and hasn't had a reply since then.

    Oh shit!

    This was a blonde, yes?

    Those taillights!! There should be a sign on the rear saying “Warning! Vehicles may be sucked into the vortex.”

    Grandma is right. If I see tire failures on different corners of cars I can chalk that up to the car/driver/driving style/starting position/ debris on track/ etc. But when I see the same corner (left rear) on multiple cars waving bye-bye it can't be anything else but the tire.