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    According to Black’s Law Dictionary, “conspiracy” is limited to the planning of the act. Not the act itself. If the Feds want to get really, really picky about this they could legitimately charge them with conspiring AND the act for each attack. Two attacks would mean a charge of conspiring and the attack for each

    They are adults at 18. Age is irrelevant.

    Oh, no. Prison is completely necessary, especially if it deprived those harmed of income. Yeah, 10 years per conspiracy and each act is a conspiracy.

    Just my perspective but here it goes.

    People still watch TV?

    Good points. I know for myself I stopped doing my own maintenance when carberators were dropped and computers were added.

    Next weeks headline.

    Shouldn’t that read “quickest” instead of “fastest”? Quickest would refer to rate of acceleration and fastest would indicate top speed.

    Being frugal? On a 1948 Willys? I hope you didn’t think you weren’t going to replace critical parts. You have just learned two critical lessons. 1) Why antique restored cars are so damn expensive. 2) Why people rebuilding cars, especially ground up, go for upgraded parts. You may or may not pay more than a original

    63 and wear Smartwool. Hipster?

    63 and wear Smartwool. Hipster?

    I think some have missed the point here which is that technology is not perfect and can be defeated. IMHO in the US, and other technically advanced countries, we have become much to dependent on technology. The more we become dependent the more vulnerable we become. And we have become extremely dependent. If you don’t

    Lived in Germany for 3 years. They take “slower traffic keep right” very seriously. My scariest moment was pulling into the left lane (much of the autobahn is 2 lanes in 1 direction) passing a truck as I’m halfway past the truck I see a car coming up on me from the rear at approximately warp speed. (Yes, it is against

    Hopefully his insurance will refuse to pay. I can her the Millennials whining and crying now. “It’s not fair! It’s just not fair! I paid my insurance. All I was doing was MULTITASKING!!”

    Cuban Missle Crisis. I was 10 years old living in Hawaii where my father was stationed in the Army. I remember him saying the US military world wide was on alert. Presumably the Soviets were as well. Didn't see him for quite a few days.

    Now we know why his cars keep getting torched. This kid needs a bodyguard. Or a nanny.

    I have a friend (known him for 20+ years) who has a 2006 VW Beetle. From the appearance it’s pretty much a beater. The body is pretty much beat to hell but mechanically it’s sound. When he’s alone and going to social functions he drives the VW. The he drives home to his wife (no kids) and his C7 Corvette and her 2016

    I have a Pebble Steel and what you're talking about requires a app on the iPhone with a corresponding watch widget. Apple would need to tweak the Watch app and the iPhone app as well. Anyone with a watch that is iOS compatible, such as Pebble, shouldn't hold their breath. That workaround would would mean one less

    Living in Houston I know the only thing unusual about this is that it was caught on video. This is the city where I learned to change lanes and reload at the same time.

    You do know there is a difference between spelling and grammar.

    With a heavier (fat, overweight) opponent I go for the knees early. A overweight/ fat opponent would not expect that early, has a harder time defending a attack to the knees, even if they do defend the knees they leave other areas vulnerable, and I have yet to meet a fat person who didn’t have a pre-existing knee