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    I wonder if convenience stores in CA use video recordings as evidence in robberies? “Excuse me Mr. Stick-up Man Holding a Gun to My Head, would you mind signing this release so I can use the video in court?”

    I clearly understood the point he was trying to make. I didn’t read that to imply this vessel was tens of thousands of tons. It implied the possibility (It can make “A” ship...”, not THIS ship).

    No. No, I'm laughing at him.

    Your argument is plausible and in general I agree. One element is missing. All this assumes he will be alive by the time he turns 25. Hopefully he will. And yes, I would do the same.

    If I remember my training policies and procedures correctly, and if they haven’t changed, on all training exercises with the EXCPTION of “live fire” exercises ammunition is not carried. Have the sailors man their guns then what? Hurl insults? Shoot the finger? This has been a miniltary policy for decades. Not a Obama

    And not even the POTUS, or Seinfeld, can fire you. Only the Director of the Secret Service. The Director is in a position in that they’re appointed by the President but answer to Congress.

    When you’re a Secret Service officer on duty not even the POTUS can order you to open the gates. If I’m the officer on duty and the POTUS orders me to open the gates my reply is simply “No Sir. Have a good day Mr. President, Mr. Seinfeld.”, and back away. I still got a job. The POTUS can’t fire me. Only the Director

    It’s compartmentalization of duties. The Secret Service has ultimate responsibility and authority for safety and security of VIP’s and dignitaries. This is understood by all elected officials prior to asking office. If the POTUS and VP sneak out (yeah, like that will happen) and there is a incident the SS has

    Gotta love the plate. Says it all.

    Not every child has a cell phone.

    Don't know what I would do. There's one thing for sure that I wouldn't do, tell anyone. No one.

    Just keep the Lambo away from any body of water.

    This could produce a LSD flashback.

    A couple of years ago I was behind a SUV at a light and a passenger in the rear seat was watching a movie on a drop down screen. Fine. OK. Except it was a porno movie. I’ve heard of junk in the trunk but this is not cool.

    Hey Tom, mind if a borrow your car. I’ll bring it right back.

    As a disabled veteran with 20 years service in the US Army the original idea was appalling. No way should a medal be awarded, much less rated higher in order of precedence than a Bronze Star. I can see the “R” device attached to another medal but not a medal such as a MSM. Much less a Bronze Star, Silver Star or

    Who said Germans don't have a sense of humor?

    Gives a new meaning to “trunk monkey”.

    How else could she check the level of fuel in the tank or make sure the gas was actually being pumped? Huh, tell me how else! Flashlight?? Fuel gauge on dash?? Oh, OK.