

I know why. Everybody likes it, so it must not be good.

Now playing

Yeah, Aphex Twin is pretty weird MUSIC-wise. Of course, the Videos make the music even more disturbing.

Did this a few years ago for a 48 hour Film contest. Traced my face and animated it along with others. The girl, in fact, has some Johansson in there.

Corporations are people. Horrible, horrible people who would kick you in the face while you're homeless in the gutter.

HA! ask my DAD! He's retired and it's looking like HE is going to have to work for 80 years pretty soon.

Yo, Tupac...

Now playing

Peppers Ghost; A good album AND a good song!

I had do do a Cold Turkey with Facebook; i was wasting too much time on Facebook trying to "impress" people with hundreds of "Funny" pictures and quips i could find. It was taking too much of my time.

All you need is Poser, someone who knows how to make models for Poser, and someone else who knows how to do the video stuff. Or, one person who knows all three things.

Go ahead. Sue Google. Google has the cash and the LACK of conscious and soul for it to be a fair fight.

" 'Preggers power,' [Snooki] wrote."

Just yesterday I read an article on [Cracked.com] (reserve judgement, dammit!) called 5 Ways Modern Man Are Trained to Hate Women.

I would be all for repealing Obamacare and NOBODY having to get insurance—IF—IF— the people that said they didn't want health care insurance refrained from doing things like calling an ambulance for themselves, going to emergency rooms for accidents at home, not having children (unless they have the children at their

Why hasn't anybody picked this up yet: CHECK THE HUMMER DRIVER FOR TELEKINETIC POWERS! They obviously wished the jeep would blow up for cutting in front of them.

What's the issue? It isn't like health insurance pays for Boner Pills, like Viagra, right?

"Normals"?!? That sounds so degrading. I would throw my ivory backscratcher at you if I could buy another—the hippies weren't moaning about cruelty or something, and the bones of the poor are not very good for backscratchers; something about low calcium in their diets or something... any reason to slack off, i suppose.

What? It hasn't gone generic yet?