
She’s right tho. 

I like Beyonce a lot. But Warwick isn’t wrong.

Eh, a lot of people feel the same they just don’t say it publicly because of the BeyHive. A couple of years ago, I didn’t think much of Beyoncé. She seemed to shine amongst a sea of mediocrity. But she’s come a long way since then and continues to try new things, unlike a lot of other artists who are happy treading

Recovered alcoholic here. Up until about 7 years ago, I got myself into lots of trouble. Never got a DUI, never went to jail, but still spent plenty of time fucking up my life and the lives of others who were close to me. Let me be 100% clear: everything I did was my own fault. The people who sold me booze at the

Hey now, maybe I’ve been here for too long, but I will defend the rights of Britishers to have a chip butty whenever they damn please, even if I’d never eat one myself. I’ll even allow them crisp butties, which are as above, but with what you ‘Mericans call potato chips.

“The Brits.” Lol. Look at how consumed Americans are by this and other celebrity news like the Kardashians and whether Jennifer Lawrence is getting married. We’re every bit as culpable.

Chip butties are delish. Cheap white bread, thick proper butter (no margarine), hot fat chips and lots of salt, yum. Not ketchup tho, we ain’t savages.

This.  Jesus, Magary.  It’s not like you’re 25.

Fuck that juy.

Me too.  But I wouldn’t have taken a picture of her and put her on blast on Twitter, because I’m not a fucking asshole.  

See, even if it is against the rules for passengers to eat on the train, I’d just assume that the employee would have dispensation as they are on the darned things all day...and mind my own business.

I admit that I’m annoyed by people who eat on transit (irrationally so; I have weird issues about hearing people eat thanks to misophonia, too) but I can’t IMAGINE doing something like this; if it’s getting to me, I get up and move. Life goes on.

“Communications Expert” who can’t help herself on twitter - hopefully she’s tweeted herself out of further employment in that field.

Charles is absolutely not toast. QE2 saw the monarchy very nearly topple when her uncle abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson; she’s not going to cause another constitutional crisis by skipping her firstborn son in the line of succession.

“[Charles] doesn’t have to come right out and tell them what to do in order to influence them. And this is precisely the sort of semi-formal—but still very significant—power that anti-monarchists point to as the problem with the continued existence of the crown.”

Because they are the children of the reigning monarch.

He and Camilla are out of the country. 

I love this picture of young Archie with his parents, grandmother and great-grand parents. Even Philip looks genuinely happy.