London Rush

All of his 3 lead points reek of white male privilege, many of them just plain racist. To equate critical thinking with criticism, and to decry the criticism of racism while in the same breath criticizing feminism and Marxism - indicative that the author is a serious hypocrite with a stick up his butt over

Great point.

And here goes the award for worst article ever published on a Gawker media site. This is wrong on so many levels, clearly written by someone with a flagrant misunderstanding of the subject material. It reads like a butthurt 6th grader's ill-researched rebuttal to receiving an "F" in critical thinking and a "does

Who the hell wrote this shit? Why republish it - clickbait? Surely the editors at io9 know this is wrong on so many levels, clearly written by someone with a flagrant misunderstanding of the subject material.

The direwolves are real wolves. (seriously. just blown up.)

Oh really?

In the King's Landing scenes (specifically, Lady Olenna's patio) the VFX shots are totally half-assed. I think that for the most part the effects in the show pass for photorealistic but these particular scenes are rather offending. They look more like a set painting or a poorly executed gaussian blur rather than

Except... for the part... where it isnt?

They already are. Season 3 ended about 20 chapters prior to where the book ends.

I'm willing to pretend that the epic season 5 finale was the end of the show and when Juliet detonated the bomb she erased the whole sequence of events. Better explanation than they gave us. And Liz Mitchell's performance in that episode was brilliant.

How is it that no one in this thread has mentioned THE FADES?? Do you all just suck at TV that much? This was the best dark fantasy in recent memory and it deserves a proper ending!

Yeah, this post was seriously dumb, like dumber than this stunt, and the author has obviously never viewed the show.

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The blue-shaded area of the bottom map is not Toronto. Toronto ends at that line of red dashes, which is Steeles Av.