
Either way, I’m not sure what’s horrifying.

Hadn’t seen this before! Can I ask what horrified you about it? I mean, I didn’t find it funny, but I thought it was commentary on the absurdity of our unequal society. Also now I want mango.

Side note but wow I had no idea that hearing aids were so expensive in the states. I just googled it, and here they’re under £500. Plus the hearing test and fitting is free.

It’s very similar to the type of choreography invented by former MMA fighter Genki Sudo, for his band ‘World Order’. Watch some of their videos, they are amazing.

As someone who actually has a toxic (abusive, cruel to animals, hoarding, delusional) MIL, this thread was really frustrating to read. I WISH my worst complaint about my partner’s mother was she wants to take me to department stores and compliments me too much. That would definitely beat stealing my sanitary pads and

God look at Corbyn in the background...

That diagram is excellent. I disagree with Judas’ assertion that it hasn’t been true since 2004, I’m afraid that’s categorically incorrect. On social matters in particular, we’re still far more liberal here, as that article shows.

I’m pretty accomplished and I find my 26 year old partner to be just fine, thanks. Just because the guys you dated sucked at that age doesn’t mean they all do.

I’ve asked Jezebel several times to stop linking to them. Clicks bring them revenue, and therefore funds the rising level of hate crimes here :(

Ah sorry, I only recognise the tomato and train trolls! Guess this one slipped by.

What an ignorant thing to say.

I’ve been a teacher in a few different types of school here in the UK and none of what you’re describing sounds gender specific. Plenty of girls need to be ‘kept busy’ too, and can also have an innate ability to ‘get into stuff’. I feel like you’re gendering personality traits unnecessarily. Having good

Yes! Along with Hiddleston, Redmayne et al., Blunt is one of Britain’s poshest celebrities. He went to the same school as Benedict Cumberbatch, I believe.

I have a Palestinian colleague from Gaza. Last year, we had a lovely meal together, prepared by our gay American colleague and his husband in their beautiful home. Not all Palestinians are homophobic. Just as homophobic laws in the states don’t mean all Americans are homophobic.

Sounds like your coworker is as creepy as the video...

Jr, but it was big news over here! Our media were furious. Sadiq Khan is well-liked at the best of times, and everyone is feeling, understandably, more protective than usual at the moment. That Trump Jr. would use this as an opportunity to lash out at him was treated with complete loathing. Particularly considering

See the links I posted to Usagi :)

If you’re interested in this kind of thing, I really recommend reading Debrett’s. It’s the best UK etiquette guide, and covers all sorts of things! (They give a copy to everyone who writes at Tatler, a magazine that’s generally considered posh, although it’s probably becoming a bit mainstream now.)

As an Australian I think you’d be considered outside of all of this, so honestly I wouldn’t worry. It isn’t about polite, it’s literally just about class. Upper class people may flinch if you said ‘I’m going to the toilet’ as opposed to ‘loo’, whilst working class people wouldn’t even register any issue with it.

Sure! Hard to know where to start, though. Vocabulary and accent are both very important, as is the type of school one went to. It often becomes a case of ‘you know it when you see it’. To give examples, upper class people would say ‘loo’, never ‘toilet’, ‘pudding’, never ‘dessert’ and ‘napkin’, never ‘serviette’...