
Well, I guess there’s a different history behind it here, too. People cling to these things I think.

...yes, that’s the point?

And class is still so central here. There are thousands of tiny little things that betray people’s social standing. As someone who moves through quite varied circles, it becomes obvious when people are trying to catch you out for saying something like ‘toilet’.

Hate to say it but things are getting a lot worse here. Massively increased poverty and opportunities for working class people few and far between. The inequality between the different parts of the country is shocking. A lot of people are saying we’re returning to those times.

I have friends who have been locked in Parliament. My place in London is very near there, although I’m not there at the moment. Everyone is deeply shocked.

As someone who has seen how badly it can go wrong, it absolutely does count.

She is British and tipping culture is very different here. Here, it’s like 10% if the meal is good, nothing if it isn’t. 25% would be considered obscene. Lots of British people only tip if the service is good. I mean, she should know it’s different over there, but I think if I polled my British friends about this

Hey, just to say that I think you might be conflating a few things that are unrelated. Not all trans people will have engaged in gay sex, or “lesbian circles”, that’s a bit of a huge leap to make! Some trans people are gay, some are straight, some are asexual. There is no connection between someone being trans and who

Yeah that is not a thing here. I’ve never ever met any married cousins, I would think it’s incredibly rare.

I’m British, and have lived in London. People definitely won’t assume you voted for Trump, don’t worry. Your instincts are good about clothing, shoes usually are a giveaway for American tourists. Oddly socks can be too. Nothing says American tourist faster than an inch of white sports sock between trainers and stiff