am not in any way shape or form against it, but I am kind of sick of the stereotype of “Butch Strong Female Character. Must be a Lesbian”.
am not in any way shape or form against it, but I am kind of sick of the stereotype of “Butch Strong Female Character. Must be a Lesbian”.
Xena’s hardly butch.
I never saw Xena as butch...
How is Xena butch, exactly?
There are plenty of non-lesbian friends on TV. We need to have a lesbian relationship where one of them doesn’t get fridged for the plot line.
Or other people might _actually_ feel sorry.
I once met an anti-vaxxer who “didn’t believe” in modern medicine or drugs of any kind, refused to vaccinate her 3 kids, etc.
That is way more eloquent that I could possibly be. My only reaction was FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK YOOUUUUUUUUUUU!
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.
So Peterson’s job would be safe if he was soft on accused rapists? What a great message to put out there.
At least he is talking to an unbiased source about the matter.
I have an ex who stalked me, threatened me with doctored revenge porn, and claimed he killed a small animal on my wedding day(!!!); he used to rant about how women rejected “nice guys.”
Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for a guy to chime in to point out how this wouldn’t happen if women didn’t just reject so many guys out of hand or how this almost never happens despite numerous stories of women being assaulted or killed because they rejected a man’s advances. It happens enough that it’s pretty much…
“Why don’t you just say no?”
why do we give a fuck about your off-topic diatribe again? this is some weird search for validation here, bro. i'm out. gonna go read something relevant.
So you do not believe men ever come across as entitled, yet you write a comment that is seventeen paragraphs long about how women are wrong to share their experiences in a forum aimed at women, because you personally have not encountered the same experiences?
Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."
Juno, maybe. Otherwise, no - he's a lead character who is quirky but is ultimately trying to find his own way — rather than just being a prop in some female lead's journey.
I propose instead a slight spin on the trope. One that is super easy to spot. MFDB. Manic Fabulous Dream Boy. The men in the movies who are fun,…
@eri401: PS.