
I was going to say, I've had it three times and was told it was decidedly not contagious, and certainly nobody caught it from me. Maybe OP caught a cold that then progressed to pneumonia?

This one should win, in my opinion.

Rule 34.

I am so on this.

If I had come onto this page this morning like I thought I would, I wouldn't have read this story, which I greatly enjoyed. That was pretty lucky.

My Dad once tried to tell me that Santa would much prefer a beer, but I had a massive go at him for encouraging Santa to drink drive. I was six.

I feel like this isn't talked about enough; that a very good reason for not having children is that the planet is eventually going to buckle under the weight of all the children that people simply have to have. In my opinion, a couple should have two kids, and that's it. One child per person to replace you when you

I can't see the last few messages! What did they say????

Seriously, why should they have to disclose it? I don't get it. Presuming the perp has been locked up and can't come back, and it's been cleaned, what business is it of anybody else's? Do you realise that the vast majority of buildings in the world will have had somebody die there? What are we suppose to do, rip up


Oh, snap.


...I do this for my SO, like, all the time. And ingorwn hairs. So damn satisfying. It can't just be me, surely?

Can't stop laughing. You win just for the lols.

I think that often what is described by NiceGuys as 'asshole' behaviour is simply having self respect and not being clingy and having your own life separate from whoever you're dating, while 'Niceness' comes across as clingy, obssessive bahaviour and a lack of interests that aren't the person they're dating. With the

Most likes for a comment I've ever seen 0.o

This is such a good article but there are typos EVERYWHAR.

I LOVE that dress!

Me too, but two-piece :-p
