
The rationalization I hear most often from kids who do and say horrible racist shit (but still don’t consider themselves racist) goes like this, “I can’t be a racist. Everyone knows racists are bad people, but I’m not a bad person, so I can’t be a racist. I’m just trollin’ and people should lighten up.”

I truly believe that most of teen America is ignorant to what things like this actually mean. It’s about doing something outrageous, going viral and becoming a fame whore. The more we give them attention the more that they step forward to become “famous”.  I give you exhibit A...

Bakersfield (and Kern County as a whole) is a pretty depressing place, in my opinion. Despite being nearly 50% hispanic, it’s still a heavily republican area, that voted strongly for Trump in the election. Unrelated, but demonstrative, Kern County had the highest percentage of voters trying to ban same-sex marriages

she has such a bright future ahead of her

To be fair, the hate groups on New Jersey hate New Jersey and themselves for living there... You can’t really fault them for that.