
The most popular edition isn't well-received? Are you joking? Just because you have bias against it doesn't mean most people dislike it.

Four points:

I’m not particularly a “scholar” of WW II, but I did minor in history with a concentration in the European theater of that war—and I lived in Germany for five years (had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, as well).

Based on that education and those experiences, I can only say the following:

Americans tend to conflate

Exactly. The article is written as if this is a stupid product to even release unless you can guarantee 4k 60 fps for coal miners living in small villages in northern Montana. A) Those folks aren’t playing video games, and B) if you can’t reach them so what? Does Alex really think Google spent the money developing

Exactly. People keep trying to position this as a replacement for consoles for hardcore gamers, but it’s not (at least not right now): it’s meant to get people of lesser means (like myself) or casual gamers into the marketplace. People need to stop crying about their Right to Bear Consoles and how Big Google’s coming

Am I wrong in thinking that Google doesn’t really care about or need all of those households that don’t have adequate speeds? Their market is the home that already has parents or kids who are tech savvy to a degree and care about download speeds, because they already use it for gaming and streaming.

Checking a bag takes 10-20 minutes depending on the line. I’d rather walk straight to security. Also, in a lot of airports I can be half way to my hotel by the time the bags are making it to baggage claim. So for me it’s a time saver if I can do it.

It’s not a big deal if it happened sporadically, but this was a systematic mining of resources from a group of people who weren’t fully protected by law, and the company who did it made more money from the dances than the people who created them. Legally speaking it may not be copyright infringement, but it was mass

They could have crushed the Warriors. I thought Kawhi played pretty stupidly. His teammates have confidence now. He doesn’t have to play hero ball anymore. He had teammates wide open but was extremely reluctant to give up the ball.

Obviously this article was written to instigate a fight but I’m going to fall for it anyway and stand firm in my belief that LaCroix is actually good. Some of us want something that is very lightly flavored because it’s more refreshing and I don’t like the sweeter stuff. Also, I think the decline is probably heavily du

Or- or!- the players (and their agents) badly overvalued themselves.

As someone who signed it, I am under no delusions that HBO will actually listen. The point is more to express dissatisfaction with the quality of the writing of the last two seasons, which was markedly worse than everything that came before it, and almost laughably so, to the point that we can go back and find all

Ooh you are so cool that you don’t have one hour a week a few weeks out of the year to do literally anything. 

I think the one thing that is irritating me more than GOT Season 8 is all the people who think they are so edgy for not watching the series. 

You heard it here first, folks; nobody can criticize a tv show until they’ve produced their own show first. Also, being annoyed at a television episode means you have no personality or any other interests whatsoever.

Drogon melting the throne was the best possible ending.

It literally got a little bit better.

Read the column again. I’m sure some people are angry because they wanted Daenerys to be the good guy and win the game, but all the serious criticism i’ve read is about the execution, not the character turn per se.

As a lifelong Knicks fan let me proclaim that any team that’s owned by James Dolan doesn’t deserve shit. He’s the freaking darkness reaching out for more darkness. He’s Nixon’s paranoia combined with Trump’s incompetence. They don’t deserve any good young player because they would, based on recent history, stunt that

I know this will come off cynical, but isn’t it simply because we (rightfully) value human life way more than the lives of animals? My dog is a “member of my family,” but in an emergency she is a second thought to any human life that I could save. The urge to preserve life has a hierarchy, like it or not. And my dog