
This is horseshit. Good for New Orleans. Fuck New York. Fuck Boston. Fuck LA.

Stick with it. The first few chapters of The Fifth Season take a little settling into (particularly that use of direct address), but the jumpy narrative calms down, and it’s a rewarding read.

Stolen from Twitter:
Some folks really don’t understand that *foreshadowing is not the same as character development*. Like, just because you hint that something can happen in the future doesn’t mean you don’t have to do the leg work in the story to show how we arrive to that destination.”

This is a bad take. There are ways that Dany’s actions could have made sense, but they weren’t done here. Getting Dany to be the Mad Queen was absolutely rushed and not done well.

“If you thought that turn on Game of Thrones felt rushed, surprising, or like it came out of nowhere...you haven’t been paying attention.”

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

McDonald’s is a thing = TRUTH

Or for my family and friends in Puerto Rico...? 

“isn’t it about time to take a more nuanced look..”

Hey: nah. Blackface is bad. Darkening your skin tone to alter your perceived race, even for cosplay, is bad.

1) Who? Bring receipts

Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?

Yeah just don’t do that. 

Coming back to this in the morning and seeing a lot of “Heather, leave this this to us hardcore gamers if you can’t beat it.” or whatever and I just gotta... like... remind folks who I am and what I do for a living:

We can talk about difficult as an aesthetic choice all we want and I’m down for that discussion (failure and death are big things for FromSoft games) but easy is relative and I place my trust in designers to build these modes such that the particularities they want to stress still exist.. If combat cadence is a design

Add an easy mode and he won’t have to settle for watching someone else have fun, friendo. And the good news is that you don’t lose anything in the process either.

That *is* harsh though because you’re all but asking players with disabilities to go elsewhere. In this example, an easy mode or even a series of toggles that allow players to customize game experiences is about allowing them to participate in that experience. It’s inclusive, and not in the dime-store way that word is

It kind of almost looks like he’s upset because he knows he didn’t get all of it. Am I crazy?

They way they need to “tackle it” is by having black people, especially black women, in the writers room. It will only be problematic if people think that the show runners should be clinging to a white man’s interpretation of a black woman as gleaned from watching movies. It’s possible to still tell the story with all

This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier.