

You say “van with a bed” like its a bad thing.

This comment is 100% proof of the need for a downvote system on Kinja.

The fact that it goes on for 17 years should be enough of a clue to tell you where the benefit lies.....to the US.

I’ve been working for a couple years to remove this word (as an epithet) from my vocabulary. It’s almost gone, but it still pops out occasionally - it’s one of those words I used regularly for a long time without ever really thinking about who I was hurting by doing so. Once I became more aware of the stigma that

As someone who teaches kids with disabilities, this is a word that will always make me cringe, but I have given up on being surprised by people who use it, especially out of my own sphere of influence. She’s knows she shouldn’t use it. It’s obvious by how she corrects herself. But to be honest, I used to use it too

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

I had an interesting thought yesterday and this article reminded me of it.

I’ve said it before, but in light of another unimpressive year for Microsoft in terms of exclusives I feel the need to say it again. My decision to stick with Xbox again this generation is the biggest gaming purchase regret so far in my life. Haven’t turned the damn thing on in like a year. Well, on purpose anyways,

Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.

Yes. Finally.

No, you don’t get it. Religion > Football was my point. I don’t know if that is what the chain is, but I do know some people are like that. So, if that is the case, it does not “pay” to be the “bigger man.” If that is the case, his actions are totally understandable.

Maybe the chain (which he had taped on) means something significant to him. Try to think of something that is important to you, and then imagine that someone grabbed it. Maybe you can’t, because, like me, a chain would never mean anything to you, so consider something else totally disrespectful but ultimately

Absolutely. Just a sore loser

The Geneva convention might outlaw them, but the Second Amendment guarantees my God given right to have a flamethrower for personal protection.

As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.

As a Dodger fan, this series has taken over my life, but it’s hard to say I’m fully “enjoying” it just because the rollercoaster is too fucking much. It’d be one thing if one team was blowing out the other in 5 games, but every game stuffing a “Game of Thrones”-season’s worth of excitement and sorrow into four hours

Baseball is good.