Worst thing we’ve invented and #2 isn’t even remotely close.
Worst thing we’ve invented and #2 isn’t even remotely close.
Incidentally, I have been buying a helluva lot more beer under this administration.
Here’s a fun Giannis Antetokounmpo fact, from ESPN’s weekly NBA player rankings blog:
Damn near cried tonight. I know they still need to lock down 2 more wins, but this was the biggest hit of my Dodgers fandom (I was 2 in 1988). To finally have a playoff highlight in at least the LCS that I can cling to and remember, that sure felt good after annual heartbreak or 0-2/1-1 deficits (1-1 is a deficit in…
Every photo of Huckabee Sanders comes across as hateful as her comments. She’s got resting bigot face.
Stick to sprots
I’m pretty much in the same boat as you Patrick. I don’t really have any buddies that are playing Destiny 2 yet, and trying to do the raids with randoms sounds awful, especially since you have to have a pre-made fireteam to do them (why?). So that part is probably a no-go for me right now. But the rest of the game has…
No, I’m really not. That’s why turnover isn’t as high in literally every single other industry.
Former car salescritter here, eventually became an F&I guy, sales manager, and GSM. What follows should be considered well-informed opinion...
Because it sucks.
Translation: It’s for people who love money, not people who love cars.
No, the Yankees are not at fault.
This is a bad take
I’m so confused by this whole thing. I remember the original blind item and the assumption that it was Louis CK.
In an interview with the New York Times on September 11, Louis C.K. declined to discuss
This is getting boring and a little gross. It’s reminding me of the call for unedited photos of Lena Dunham – skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.
Continuing to double down on this story when there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations is irresponsible journalism. Until you guys get some sort of reliable evidence, you should really just keep your mouths shut.
Also, I forgot to mention, but the in-game non-skippable cutscenes and flavor crap is non-existent in NBA Live. As soon as a career game loads I hit A and it jumps straight to tip-off.
God....I love NBA 2k...but I just can’t with this shit. I actually bought NBA Live 18 (I Know! wtf was I thinking?) because it was only 40 bucks if you pre-ordered and I enjoyed the demo.