Logic Over Morals

DNC didnt need to torpedo him so far as most of my democratic friends are concerned. The moment he let his stage be taken over by angsty kids supporting what is seen by many of us in the midwest as a violent hate group he lost their vote. No amount of talk could overcome that for them.
If you can’t talk down a silly

There is a difference between your grandma calling all children “l’il monkeys” and calling only black children “l’il monkeys”. One is clearly, undeniably racist, while the other is just a sweet old grandma being a sweet old grandma. Getting pissed over the first incident makes you an overly sensitive, safety pin

Hard question to answer, but I can try.

Not entirely true. The french conducted several “studies” back when the guillotine was used almost daily. In these tests, they would ask a severed head questions (sometime guaranteeing a place in heaven if the dying head answered), and found that a severed head can live 30 seconds plus after it’s been lopped off. You

Sex, in a legal sense, if very straight forward. It pertains to one’s biological sex. Legality does not care about your feelings, only what was between your legs at birth.

That’s why Trans is usually referred to as a sexual orientation in legal documents.

If you are in war, then killing soldiers is but a third of the actual war. You also need to destroy the enemy’s ability to fight, and it’s will to fight. Killing a civilian is killing a potential soldier or factory worker, while at the same time demoralizing the civilian population. Destroying the civilians homes and