Logic Over Morals

The actual danger bit at the end exists because people tried to persecute others using 20/20 hindsight.

Say a suspect steals a purse, and I (a police officer) just happen to be in the area and see it. The suspect is wearing a long coat, jeans, a baseball cap, and boots.

Congrats lady. Your husbands murderer will prob go to jail, and now you will too. Meanwhile, that kid is double fucked for life.

First you criticize me for fearing an armed rebellion, then you tell me it will come. Bit confusing there.

I dont fear black people. I come from a military family, and have probably been more immersed in more cultures than you have. I have travelled, thanks to the privileges granted a military family, and have

More thinking of the actual harm this would cause. If only black people conduct a mass riot over what to the rest of the US is perceived slights (because if everyone agreed on the problems black people say they face then we wouldn’t fly confederate flags and have elected trump) what exactly do you perceive as the

Personal or not, those statements sounds like something an anarchist would say. He really shouldn’t be idolized at all, and i would have sought a restraining order against him as well.

Flip the coin. Why is it racist to show facts and statistics that black people:

Are more likely to be criminals
Kill more black people than cops ever will in a year
Are more likely to be raised by a single over-worked mom
etc etc

Why are these statistical facts deemed racist, but you facts cannot be challenged in the

Usually they put you in separate street cars. The only time they dont do this (I am also from a very white neighborhood) is when the kids are below like middleschool age.

In this case, the girl would definitely have been in a squad car. And in all honesty, while the cops had reason to cuff him, the smart play would

They did though. It’s not uncommon to arrest both suspects until a story can be confirmed and charges issued. They got called because a 14 yr old girl threaten him with a knife. That’s all the info they had, period. A normal person’s first questions (assuming they are not directly involved) are “Why did she have the

Agree with most of the article except for this. Europeans rarely actually entered the interior of africa to grab africans, and the fear of disease and the near universal resistance of the african tribes made it very dangerous to be a white guy in the middle of africa. They usually bought them in coastal cities after

Of course if they are here illegally they are targets for deportation. The fact that they cant believe otherwise is a huge failure of the system.

Well, they did literally everything they could They watched tapes and asked questions. If they can’t gather the relevant data, there isn’t much more to do. They can’t just go around breaking into houses looking for spray paint cans.

Actually it’s just life working itself out. If everyone was fed equally at regulated healthy proportions, we would be in the middle of an amazingly bad population crises.

These people can’t get along with each other, nor can they feed themselves. There are either too many people in a super shitty area, or too many

It....It kinds is though. I mean, it isn’t normal, that’s for damn sure. It can be triggered by certain things, such as a blow to the head with enough force or some sort of psychological trauma.

This really isn’t outrageous or wrong.

Agree with this. I have traced my family back to the 1700's. During that time period until just before and shortly after WWI, they lived in Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Ireland. the Czech side came over before WWI and turned catholic, with the son joining the US army. German-jew side came over just prior to avoid the

I have enough stuff going on in my real life that, when picking a movie to see with friend or by myself, I dont want something I need to think on. Sure, seeing a movie that twists your brain is fun when on vacation and a brain boost, but during the normal course of thing I just want to turn off and get the plot from

I’m going to be a callous.

What made this girl special enough to report on vs the hundreds of other black children killed by other black people in the last few years in the name of gang violence.

You are not going to answer that, because you dont know.

Militarized police exist because of groups like BLM. 90% of readers stopped right there.

BLM is decentralized and has a very provocative message that essentially calls for the creation of a Black State. See Here. This sort of message is going to attract a lot people who do bad shit. See here, here, and here. There are

People around here do the same with bats. They make small shelters that attract bats, and the bats in turn provide guano (actually worth money) and kill off pest insects while leaving the good ones alive.

It’s amazing how much money people can save but just helping nature do what it does best.

You have to overwhelm us with data. This is far from being enough data.

Taking the Figure 1. Graph as an example:

Breakdowns by type of degree, job title (or job industry would be an acceptable substitute), years at job, and performance history are needed to make an truly informed judgement. How much money are 3 males

Probably never going to be seen but...

You answered one of your own questions. You wondered Why there wasnt a police presence or why there were not as many arrests. You then blamed this on skin tone, but I would argue that is false. Quote from the article :

“The times I’ve taken to the streets or raised my voice about