
>How often you wash the rest of your body depends upon your skin type and level of activity.

He is saying debate as in political or layperson debate; scientists have already debated and come to a consensus.

The really sad part here is that he actually means political or layperson “debate” is needed to determine if this is true — instead of scientific consensus and debate (which is done and done).

shrug, I got the same impression as the poster you are talking to just from watching the video and not reading the article.

I believe they also pushed long time drivers to get luxury cars at one time to ensure they were listed in the premium rate options. They also had a program where you would lease cars FROM uber.

If you read the papers the uncertainty such as the statments that this article points out are there because the authors and their editors obviously are also concerned that they are just missing some interaction that their experiments are not accounting for — obviously perpetual motion machines and the like are

The problem is he does not understand he is the exact thing he hates about the system. He does not have insurance because he does not think he needs it and is 21-30, but low and behold when he does get sick he will be in the hospital racking up 100k-1mm+ bills that will get charged to medicaid as one of those skum

> Every time I hear some moronic fool utter that line I want to smash my face into a cinderblock.

You do realize you just described yourself as one of those people you hate that abuse Medicaid? You see you have low income, you are choosing to not have insurance, and if you get sick or have a medical emergency guess who the fuck will be paying for it?

To make the wall great again.

I think that with just a few pieces of interleave between the two timelines the story will synchronize very cleanly. There is no real or not real, you have just been told a story out of order and when the table cloth gets pulled all of the plates will be left on the table.

I am sure they all were exposed to philosophy and critical thinking in freshman year of collage. *reviews voter demographics* never mind.

I am torn, it may just be the case that sheltering kids until they are 14 with illusions that the world is all good, the ester bunny exists, santa exists, and some guy with a boat will save everyone/thing as the world is washed away may, just may, be some of the reason why some of the population in the US voted

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It is like the folly “artist” is deaf and choosing sound clips based on description and waveform. This seems to be the norm for 88 videos — I remember there was one about making a cocktail not too long ago that sounded like stirring the liquid was mixing cement. Folly artists skill level is measured by NOT being able

Lets see, find the most fragile lighting source imaginable. Check. Find a street location known for having high crime. Check. Place these expensive lights at body level. Check